Not sure if this counts, but it has a "net" component so I'll take my chances!
Some years ago - 2021, to be precise - one of our London-based members complained about wall-to-wall Brexit coverage, which prompted me to hastily cobble together a suggested opening scenario, i.e.
Jack and Jill, seeing each other for three years, treat themselves to a post-Covid romantic weekend in Amsterdam. Jack has decided to propose to Jill while there, has the ring and is nervous as hell. Arriving at Schipol airport, the two are separated when Jill - travelling on her Irish passport - is directed to the fast track EU-blue lane and Jack is sent off to join the "rest of the world" queue. Not thinking, Jack opts for the Green "nothing to declare" lane, where his nervous behaviour (now worse, because of being separated from Jill) attracts the attention of a customs officer. A search reveals the presence of the ring, for which he has no receipt, no documentation and no import permit. The more he's questioned, the more agitated he gets, giving stupid answers to the customs officials, who decide to deport him back to the UK, leaving Jill alone on the other side ...
Well, a few months ago, Liverpool-based SonNo.2 found himself with "spare" holiday to use in July and decided to treat himself to a long weekend in Sweden. His BestMate, lets call him ... Elon

... accepted an invitation to come too. Elon's mother is not so much of a "helicopter Mom" as an "Iron Dome Mom" so even now in his mid 20s, Elon sometimes struggles to join the dots in Real Life.
So it was that the duo arrived at border control in Stockholm Airport, where Elon traipsed along behind SonNo2 ... until SonNo.2 disappeared into the e-passport void with a flash of his Irish passport, while a giant Swede glared at the diminutive Elon, pointed at his British passport and told him to go line up with all the other dodgy immigrants in the Non-EU queue.
Elon does as he's told, eventually arrives at the dodgy immigrant desk, presents his British passport and faces interrogation.
"What's the purpose of your visit?"
- A holiday
"How long are you staying?"
- Just for the weekend
"Where are you staying?"
- Ummm ... a hotel ?
"Which hotel?"
- Ummm ... uhhhh ... I'm not sure ...
"Have you booked a return flight?"
- Uhhhh ... yeah ... ?
"Can you show me the ticket?"
- Uhhhhhhhhh .... ummmm ... well, my friend booked it, he has the details.
"Are you travelling with this friend? Is he here?"
- Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... yeah ... well, no ...
"Okay Sir, can you come this way, please."
With no mother to intercede on his behalf, distinctly non-European in appearance, and someone who sounds shifty even when you've only asked if he wants tea or coffee, Elon finds himself in a windowless room unable to produce documents that are all safely stored on SonNo.2's phone, which is now wandering freely in the EU, but is still in airplane mode.
After waiting an hour or so for Elon to (fail to) appear in the arrivals hall, SonNo.2 finally unlocks his phone and learns that his friend is sequestered somewhere in the bowels of the airport, and is eventually able to confirm that Elon does indeed have a place to sleep, a ticket home, and does not need to be deported on the last flight out.
Elon spent his first day in Stockholm in bed.