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Hey Guys,

I'm finished my second draft of my screenplay, so I'm beginning to see a finish line in sight! Just for a change of pace, I just want to write a synposis of it - would anyone be so kind as to direct me towards an example of such, just so I know roughly what I'm doing?


A synopsis should be about one page - roughly one paragraph per
act. It should clearly show your characters and story. Your goal
is to convince a producer, agent, director or actor to want to
read the script. You want the reader to know you have well defined
characters and a solid story with a beginning, middle and end. You
want to intrigue, even tease, the reader with a good synopsis.

As with your script you should avoid telling the reader what the
story is about. Write the story. Leave the “pitch” to your query
letter and stick to your story. Your writing style and
storytelling skills are on display here; keep it simple but