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Support indie film, buy A Joker's Card DVD set :)

Support independent filmmaking: Buy A Joker’s Card DVD set today!
Only $11.50 (Shipping within USA included)

A Joker’s Card is a short parody fan film that, while clearly an offbeat satire, daringly speculates what might’ve happened with the offspring of some of superheroes’ most elite in a film that flirts with the underworld of sex and leather – but actually has very little to do with that at all. Ultimately, it is an amalgam of film genres; part black comedy, accented by elements of screwball spoofery, Johnny Wu’s film-short illuminates an otherwise dark existence for a handful of sons and daughters of action super-figures from Gotham to D.C.. It blends the style of the 60’s TV shows to the wire-fu of the 90s.

A Joker’s Card, shot entirely in Cleveland, Ohio with the participation of most notable filmmakers from Cleveland along with the collaboration of award winning filmmakers from Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Port Clinton, Columbus, and Youngstown. It was made by independent filmmakers and by members of Cleveland IndieClub.

A Joker’s Card won the Best Entertainment category for 2005 Telly Awards, which honor outstanding local, regional, and cable television commercials and programs, as well as the finest video and film productions. Since 1978, Telly Awards purpose has been to strengthen the visual arts community by inspiring, promoting and supporting creativity by encouraging a diverse field of entries. Last year, they received over 10,000 entries from all 50 states and 5 continents.

A Joker’s Card also won the Best Comedy Short at the 2005 Wreck-Beach International Film Festival in Canada, and the Best Action Adventure at 2005 Sanseveira Film Festival. Not to mention, screening at numerous Sci-Fi and Horror Conventions including MileHi Con 37, LepreCon 31, and others.

The web streaming site, Undergroundfilm.org broke their web history’s record for the most downloaded stream in a month during the premiere of A Joker’s Card, currently, Johnny’s film still ranked the top 10 most downloaded films.

And rave reviews from critics keep pouring in, here are just a few:

“Just when you think you've seen it all, you see something new and different...” & about the soundtrack “To put forth the effort to construct a soundtrack from scratch like Kumar did is really impressive, and it turned out really well. The results really fit the film and they add quite a bit of ambiance and depth to the movie, acting as a clue to how the scene is being played, be it for seriousness or laughs.” August 8, 2005, Ron Hogan's review for LivingCorpse.com (4 out of 5)

“NEW FAN FILM! When paying tribute doesn’t sufficiently express your love for a book, a movie, or a narrative style, you must resort to emulating it in the spirit of campy fun—which is exactly what writer-director Johnny K. Wu does in his DC Comics parody “A Joker’s Card"...”, June 26, 2005, FilmThreat.com (GOOD)

"With brisk directing, hilarious comedy, and very clever spoofing, this is a very enjoyable tongue in cheek parody of the Batman comics..." June 24, 2005,
Cinema Crazed Review (3 stars out of 4)

“…honestly wacky and not ever taking itself too seriously.” June 20, 2005, MicroCinema Magazine (4 little guys out of 5)

Additional reviews and comments can be found at www.mdifilm.com/joker

In addition to rave reviews from critics and filmmakers, it was featured in Cleveland Magazine’s June issue, Blue-ize Magazine April and June issues, Cleveland Scene and the Plain Dealer.

A Joker’s Card was shot with 3 Canon XL1, 1 Sony PD15, and 1 Bolex 16mm camera for less than $6000, it is a low budget film with high production value.

A Joker’s Card DVD set includes over 2 hours of clips like:
- 5.1 Surround Sound
- Stereo
- Casts commentary
- Director's commentary
- Blooper Reel
- Gallery
- Behind the Scene footages (2)
- Lighting 101
- Cast and Crew Short films and trailers
- Buzz Maker (Teasers and Trailer)

You will also get the CD Soundtrack composed by Aryavarta Kumar, our Cleveland’s own award winning composer.

All this for only $11.50 (shipping within the USA already included!)

For ordering, visit the direct link:
Can't you edit the title?

I have this Joker's Card DVD set, btw. Great film :cool:

The soundtrack is kickass, too. Fantastic idea to include it on a seperate CD.

$11.50 for the whole kit & kaboodle is an excellent bargain. :yes: