Stuff Foster is working on

Is there no half decent filming scene in your area?

The thing is I tried to get someone with nudity for my Divinity project, I offered $800 and had no actresses want to meet me or audition. I think it would be even harder for a psychological horror about being abducted. It's very unfortunate as far as first impressions go.

I uploaded the first page and a half for those who have listened to my whining yesterday :lol:
Don't make me slap you. Past tense in a script?

Are you making a feature or a short?

Only shorts so far.
I've been brain storming ideas for a feature but I only have a couple premises.

It sounds like you didn't understand the script. The past tense is part of what is super imposed onto the screen.
I get what you intended now. I suggest using "TITLE CARD". It's clearer and there's less chance for misunderstanding.

For a short, if you couldn't find an actor to fill the part, you'd probably have been better off looking for a real life hooker for the role. You'd probably get change from that $800 if you're talking a partial day only.

Bringing back memories from a really odd feature I briefly worked on last year.

I think it would be even harder for a psychological horror about being abducted.

I think you may be afraid of monsters under your bed (a poker term for being worried about an imaginary or unlikely problem). I was putting together a short film a while back. One of the ideas pitched was about an abduction. When an idea is pitched, we get the team together and occasionally bring in others to talk about problems that we foreseen. An actor worried about being kidnapped never came close to coming up on our radar.

There are particular roles that can be difficult to fill. Obviously nudity, but even harder is the role of pedophile. I was working as an AD on one of those crappy no-budget, "WTF am I doing being involved" features where the issue cropped up and took us by surprise (the director was secretive about the script, so surprises were always popping up).

About a year later, there was a string of film school scripts about pedophiles. They all had troubles filling those roles. Go figure.
The thing is I tried to get someone with nudity for my Divinity project, I offered $800 and had no actresses want to meet me or audition. I think it would be even harder for a psychological horror about being abducted. It's very unfortunate as far as first impressions go.

I uploaded the first page and a half for those who have listened to my whining yesterday :lol:

You couldn't find someone in time: that happens.
I did find you someone who was interested, but at that time you already moved on. That is ok. Just remember that it was not impossible. ;)

And I like to second what Nick said: it is a really good sign she just told you what she thought.
Her not wanting the part in the horror script doesn't have tomean it is the end of your collaboration.


Stop whining: that's probably just caused by withdrawel from all the fat, salt and sugar. ;)
That stuff is pretty adictive...
Great suggestion, I will change it to title card.

I was really surprised the $800 had no interest but it's a learning experience. The whole story was about a magical pair of panties so it seemed natural to show the girl in the panties in one scene. I had to add a bra, didn't make total sense but it got the project done.

Maybe you're right and with the right pitch I could find a girl.
Funny about the pedophile stuff. I just saw a movie the other day about a pedophile!

A detective was investigating a missing girl and his partners brother was a suspect that had just gotten out of jail. The dude who played the pedophile was great and really attractive, I was surprised that he would want to do the role.
You couldn't find someone in time: that happens.
I did find you someone who was interested, but at that time you already moved on. That is ok. Just remember that it was not impossible. ;)

And I like to second what Nick said: it is a really good sign she just told you what she thought.
Her not wanting the part in the horror script doesn't have tomean it is the end of your collaboration.


Stop whining: that's probably just caused by withdrawel from all the fat, salt and sugar. ;)
That stuff is pretty adictive...

That's true you did! This one would take a bit longer to film.
It's found footage so all the scenes have to be done in one take.
I was really surprised the $800 had no interest but it's a learning experience.

I had one film we had over 100 applicants for a unappealing minor female role with a really crappy write up. Another film looking for an appealing female lead role and only had 40 or 50 applicants. Sometimes you cannot pick it.
That's true you did! This one would take a bit longer to film.
It's found footage so all the scenes have to be done in one take.

In Dutch there is a saying:
"You've already got a 'no', a 'yes' is something you might get."
In other words: the only way to find out is asking :)

I had one film we had over 100 applicants for a unappealing minor female role with a really crappy write up. Another film looking for an appealing female lead role and only had 40 or 50 applicants. Sometimes you cannot pick it.
It can be like the weather sometimes.
Sometimes it is because a minor role feels safer, as in less responsibilities.
Oh yeah and there is kissing involved in this script too so that makes me shy about recruiting someone idk.
A lot of actors kiss but it's the whole atmosphere of everything combined.

Doesn't hurt to ask if I don't get my hopes up.
so that makes me shy about recruiting someone

It's only super fucking creepy if you're the one doing the recruiting and also the person they're kissing.

If you're the director it's all cool. You're the director. You have to be comfortable with the material. If you're not, people can sense it a mile away. If you're not comfortable with the material, change it until you are comfortable with it.
It's only super fucking creepy if you're the one doing the recruiting and also the person they're kissing.

If you're the director it's all cool. You're the director. You have to be comfortable with the material. If you're not, people can sense it a mile away. If you're not comfortable with the material, change it until you are comfortable with it.

The material is fine.
It doesn't feel creepy with someone I've worked with on a few projects already, but as a cold call yeah totally!

My crime thriller project is not scheduled to be finished until 2017 because it's been such a PITA to organize with all the cast and crew. For this horror to need no camera guy, no other actors, it's a perfect indie concept! You're mostly just looking at the guys back the whole time, and it's another person to have to split the profits with, but that's definitely something to consider!

Today I also started thinking what if it was a guy that gets abducted and it's targeted to the gay community instead? Reminds me of my "I'm going lesbian" thread :lol: but then it's a whole new connotation to deal with. But interesting to think about. I'll consider both these. I think the gay community might actually spend more money online per individual than the hetero one.
targeted to the gay community instead?

It could. Just be careful. Switching a character to being gay doesn't make it a LGBT film or it still might not appeal to that segment of the market.

Are you talking a feature film for this one?

Two markets that are a little soft is the LGBT and the christian market. If you're considering those markets, look more into it.

I think the gay community might actually spend more money online per individual than the hetero one.

It's possible. It's worth looking into. Gay people earned more money than straight. At least that was a statistic a while back. It'll be worth seeing if that's still true. They may also support the community more. If that's the case, if you're not part of the community, would they still spend money on your film? If you are part of that community, perhaps it's the right path to follow to get your break. I don't know.
Yeah it won't necessarily translate but it's worth considering. I'm not really part of that community but if the actor was that would be good enough i'd think.
The nudity and business plan are the biggest obstacles to me. If I can find a girl, it's simple enough to use another actor. That's a big if IMO but it's one less obstruction.

The idea of me picking a random guy off the internet for her to kiss instead is exceedingly peculiar as I think about it. At least I know where my mouth has been, i've had one girlfriend for the last 4 years.

But maybe she'll know someone she is comfortable with that can handle the role. There are only one or two challenging scenes. The script is great, I love it. Plus it has marketing and a business plan, it should be made if at all possible.

I give it a 10% chance.
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business plan are the biggest obstacles to me.

What's wrong with your business plan?

The idea of me picking a random guy off the internet for her to kiss instead is exceedingly peculiar as I think about it.

It's about as peculiar as selling is to non-sales people, or public speaking is to most of the general public. For an actor, it's a reasonable expected part of the job.
What's wrong with your business plan?

Business plan was cited as the reason my actress didn't want to do it. It's still a secret :ninja:

But this idea of letting the actress to provide the guy is brilliant, it just needs to be taken one step further.
If I advertise that they will be doing this with their bf or husband it's like pouring alkaline on the acid.

It should nullify all the creepiness of the script and maybe I'll get a few couples to audition.
I feel it in my gut that this has a chance now, hope is alive!!

Maybe this will actually work.