Is there no half decent filming scene in your area?
The perpetrator videotaped his crimes.
I offered $800
Don't make me slap you. Past tense in a script?
Are you making a feature or a short?
I think it would be even harder for a psychological horror about being abducted.
The thing is I tried to get someone with nudity for my Divinity project, I offered $800 and had no actresses want to meet me or audition. I think it would be even harder for a psychological horror about being abducted. It's very unfortunate as far as first impressions go.
I uploaded the first page and a half for those who have listened to my whining yesterday
You couldn't find someone in time: that happens.
I did find you someone who was interested, but at that time you already moved on. That is ok. Just remember that it was not impossible.
And I like to second what Nick said: it is a really good sign she just told you what she thought.
Her not wanting the part in the horror script doesn't have tomean it is the end of your collaboration.
Stop whining: that's probably just caused by withdrawel from all the fat, salt and sugar.
That stuff is pretty adictive...
I was really surprised the $800 had no interest but it's a learning experience.
That's true you did! This one would take a bit longer to film.
It's found footage so all the scenes have to be done in one take.
It can be like the weather sometimes.I had one film we had over 100 applicants for a unappealing minor female role with a really crappy write up. Another film looking for an appealing female lead role and only had 40 or 50 applicants. Sometimes you cannot pick it.
so that makes me shy about recruiting someone
It's only super fucking creepy if you're the one doing the recruiting and also the person they're kissing.
If you're the director it's all cool. You're the director. You have to be comfortable with the material. If you're not, people can sense it a mile away. If you're not comfortable with the material, change it until you are comfortable with it.
targeted to the gay community instead?
I think the gay community might actually spend more money online per individual than the hetero one.
business plan are the biggest obstacles to me.
The idea of me picking a random guy off the internet for her to kiss instead is exceedingly peculiar as I think about it.
What's wrong with your business plan?
What's wrong with your business plan?