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London, 20th October 2011.

StudioBeyond.net today announces the launch of its fully-fledged integrated studio office system for the film and television industry within its online platform. After three years of intensive development, Studio Beyond offers a fully-comprehensive online business platform where aspiring and established professionals can have barrier-free access to producers, sales agents, distributors, and financiers worldwide.

The idea is the brainchild of Jasmin Prosser, Studio Beyond’s founder and CEO. Ms Prosser first conceived the bespoke online office concept three years ago, after spending some time in LA’s film industry. “I was surprised to see how many talented and skilled people find it hard to break into the movie industry, mostly due to a lack of connections,” she recalls. “We are fully committed to supporting emerging talent, and believe that creativity should not be hindered by barriers or connections, and that creativity understands only one language: self-expression.”

A World beyond Facebook

“People have called our online office ‘a Facebook for the film industry’”, comments Prosser, “but it’s beyond that. It’s a commercial outlet with a fully fledged online studio office which provides a ‘360-degree’ service in-which anyone from talent seeking employment to producers seeking funding to distributors seeking content (and everyone in-between) can connect with each-other and start doing business online.”

What does the Studio Beyond virtual office offer?

• An efficient and secure private space for conducting business. With enhanced privacy controls combined with universal media compatibility, executives can easily identify new projects and business opportunities, while creatives no longer need to find the resources to cover the expense of mailing pitches, scripts, and screeners.
• Instant access to – and interaction with – every facet of the film and television industry.
• Host online screenings to both industry players and press- farewell to screeners and screening rooms.
• Gain maximum exposure at minimal cost.

Who benefits from the Studio Beyond virtual office?

The benefits of Studio Beyond’s vertically integrated model are open to film and television industry executives and talent, as well as members of the press.

Studio Beyond’s interactive, user-generated platform is beneficial to anyone who realises that the future lies in low-cost, efficient, and accountable methods of delivery at every stage of the process.

What the industry are already saying about Studio Beyond:

Actor- Adrian Paul (HIGHLANDER): “Studio Beyond will change the way movies are made and the way they are distributed - the old model soon won’t exist anymore.”

Director - Anthony Waller (SILENT WITNESS, AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN PARIS): “There are a lot of artificial barriers in place in the current system,which prevent direct communication from happening. Studio Beyond removes those barriers with this online platform.”
In Jan 2010 (the 15th) I signed up, got an automated email saying
the site would be up an running in March of 2010.

I head nothing for over a year. No worries - I understand things
get bogged down. But when you posted in March 2011 I logged in. I
got the “User with given email not found in database!” message.
Okay, you didn’t keep my info from 16 months ago. So I decide to
register again; and I get, “Our records show that this email
address has already been registered.”


So today I checked back again - five months later - and I still
cannot log in. Same thing happens. You do not have my email in
your database yet when I try to sign up you already have my email
in your database so I can’t sign up. 22 months since you first
posted and I first signed up.

No one responds to e-mails and no one ever looks at these posts
again or responds to private messages.
Reply from Studio Beyond

We at Studio Beyond are very sorry that you have not been able to login and we want to resolve this problem as quickly as possible. Would you please send your email address that you entered when you originally registered to info@studiobeyond.net. Thank you!
I finally signed up using a Yahoo account.

I sent a total of six e-mails to that address and never
heard back - for over a year. This is the first time I
have gotten any response at all. I'm glad you came
back to at least look.

It's too bad I cannot use my regular business e-mail
but at least I can finally check out your site.
Hi ,
Did you manage to have a look at the site? Any feedback or info we may provide to you? Have you seen the new online screening section for filmmakers?

Many thanks
Gail @ Studiobeyond
I have only gone back to your site once since October 2011. My
only feedback at this point would be to offer better communication
with filmmakers. E-mails have never been answered and you come
here so infrequently that I completely forget about your site.

I wish I could use my professional e-mail address rather than a
Yahoo account but I get the same page over and over: “User
with given email not found in database!” and “Our records show
that this email address has already been registered.”

I haven't put any info in my profile because of that.

I'll check back again and add some info. I'm interested in the idea
but since you first posted January of 2010 (2 years) I have had
so many problems even signing up I am a bit wary.