Storyboard Guy

As far as storyboards go I'm looking for experience,credit, and connecting with like minded people. Pay is good also but low budget and no budget is ok as long as I can gain something from it also. Thanks!
Great work, these ain't story boards these are comics, which is the best story board that you can get 8-)

My story boards are really primitive, I only use one colour, and people can be distinguished by their hair, a face for a guy is not different than this ==> :)

Again, great work. Also add your site in twitter, this can help to get more views and promotion.
Thanks for the kind words CDCosta & Backlash! Much appreciated! :lol:

My story boards are really primitive, I only use one colour, and people can be distinguished by their hair, a face for a guy is not different than this ==> :)

Drawing skill is fine but interesting shot selection and knowledge of camera moves are way more important. So anyone can out do a great artist that doesn't have those skills :). Those are the ones I'm trying to develope.I'm actually in the process of stripping away anything that isn't necessary in my storyboards and just convey the scene action as quickly and effectively as possible.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should include in a portfolio geared towards independent film makers. My assumption is that I shouldn't have too many expensive camera moves in my samples and on having proper framing and clear direction.
I'm I'm trying to get experience and build my resume so any critiques and suggestions are welcome. Thanks!