still have a canon hf200 that I cannot use....

I have this canon hf200 that is useless to me now. I record video, hook it up to the computor and nothing happens. Its as if it doesn't exist. I had to stop using it because it drove me crazy and thus have been using a cheaper camera that has NO issues at all - but is limited.

I have windows vista...and I have been reading reviews on this camera and someone stated that vista does not recognize the mts files so the reviewer bought a windows 7 and it works fine.

Could that be true?? Why wouldn't vista recognize the files???

Do others here have this camera...and what do you have? Windows 7???

Thanks so much Dreadylocks! I did that, it was probably what I did the first time and images come up under something else but they are there.
Now its just this computor is very slow...when I drag them to vegas there is a hold of a few seconds for each clip. I had an icon that came up and said 'system is slow' and something about checking it out and rebooting seems to be a bit faster but not fast enough. I think I might have too much crap on this computor and its slowing it down..I think.

Thanks again! You should have your own page here.

It sounds like you definitely need to do a system restore. My computer's specs are only half as good as yours and it works for me.