archived-videos st simeon animated loops

wasting time with God

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How about archealogical ruins like old castles and monoliths. The monoliths wouldn't be grand in size but certainly in history they would be. I know there's restrictions on pieces of antiquity but I'm sure shining 'light' on them wouldn't violate anything.:D Or you could approach it with the history of film in mind, say constructing something like a praxinoscope(basically an old bisquit tin, cut with slits and a 'ribbon' of frames placed inside then spun). you could give your viewers each a strip as a keepsake.
An unspectacular spectacle ?

Thanks Bird,

The historic Simeon was a very popular character, 1000s of people went to see him doing absolutely nothing at all on a pillar in the desert. I think that I need something that is suitably unspectacular like Simeon and that attracts people to it, as well as keeping the wonderous elements present in the current animations. Perhaps I'll just make 100s of animations, but that's quite complicated quite unlike si... :huh:

I've put a few more animation up of the site
anyway, thanks again bird
I really liked all the ones with the sun in it (hamster wheel, balloon, sleepytime)
They were my favorite. It's kind of symbolic too... St. Simon and the sun...
I'm not sure what you can do with those, but I like them!
Do you know how I could promote the site throughout the internet? Lots of people went to see St Simeon in the desert, hopefully I can replicate that with the web!
new site

i've just put up a new version of the st simeon site!
check out the photo link to see how i've been advertising the site around leeds (england)

any constructive crit would be most welcome
That one of the drowning skyscraper is awesome. :cool:

Really neat animated "next/back" buttons, too.

Considered turning it into a Flash presentation, rather than linking each page? You could add some themes/graphics to the surrounding areas, too.

I've been researching this Saint Simeon a bit, since seeing these animations.

Totally takes it to a new level. :cool:

The more I know about the historical Simeon, the better these shorts become... and the more I understand your reason for wanting to do large-scale projections of this man, set in our modern world.

You ever get littering tickets for all those paper cutouts you leave around town? :lol:

Loving this series now. :)
Thanks Zen Steve, I advertised the site today by leaving flick books attached to helium balloons around Leeds see here

I want to redo the layout of the site again but at the same time I want to keep it as simple as possible, I'll upload the new version later this week

thanks again

new version of site

I've just put up a brand new version of simeon's website here The feedback form doesn't work on it at the moment but everything else does + there are a few more animations too.

what do u thing Zen Steve??

I popped by Wasting Time With God today.

(Missed the earlier update)

Lots more great animations on it! :cool:

I'm really enjoying the closer views of St. Simeon. Makes it seem a little more intimate somehow, seeing him so close up.

I wasn't so keen on the one where he's having a verbal conversation about tea... different from the rest? Sure. I just prefer the simple (and somewhat interpretational) takes, where dialogue does not matter.

Did you change the animation when Simeon does the "sun/hamster-wheel"? I know for sure he used to reverse himself and get back to the building. It just plays on forwards now.

My new fave one is the animation of the person catching the tears in the saucepan.

Fantastic site, good Leao.
Simeon at the 1 minute animation festival

I've just finished my entry for the 1 minute animation festival featuring Simeon. Take a peek HERE. The festival takes place next month in Tokyo. All the entries have to begin & end with a black circle so that they can form a continuous sequence.

It was a bit of a rushed job but it works alright. I'm trying to think up an idea for a Simeon short that I can send to festivals. peace