Southern California Stores

Hi everyone,

I was thinking of taking a cruise today and just checking out some different audio and video stores so I could get a hands on feel for some of the equipment I need to get. I would like to talk to some professionals that know what they are talking about when it comes to cameras, mics, etc... so they can explain differences so I can make an informed decision when it comes time to purchase.

Anybody know of any good audio or video stores here in SoCal to just check stuff out?
Don't ask sales people ask on here. You could go to rental houses, but they're all business, you walk in, rent, and leave. As far as retail stores, no idea. Definitely not the big box stores!

Just ask here, and when you get your answer, go rent the camera for a day to see if you like it.
Standing on soap box.

The professionals at the stores are there to make sales. I’ve
always felt it’s rude to ask them for their professional opinion,
take their valuable time and then purchase somewhere else.

Stepping down.

Try Birns and Saywer, Samy’s, Abel Cine Tech, , Ametron, Plus 8 Video
Thanks guys for the replies.

I am absolutely in the market to buy and/or rent. I'm not going to waste their time, just for the record. Nothing against any Best Buy workers or anything, but I don't like going into stores and knowing more about the products being sold than the actual workers. I could easily go to Best Buy and check out their selection of HD cameras, but I'm not looking for stuff like that. I want to do things right.