Sony Vegas Pro 11 ?

Sony Vegas Pro 11 soon to be released? One source I saw (source) says it will be on the 11th of October.

Sony Vegas Pro 11 on Sony's Site

The Sony page claims that its new GPU acceleration will work with ATI cards too. But note in the following video that the rep is at the NVIDIA booth. It would be nice for those of us with ATI cards if one of the big NLEs included at least some of the vaunted acceleration for us as well. :)

Below is a Sony rep demonstrating Vegas Pro 11 accelerating performance with NVIDIA quadro cards.
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Now we'll have people passing out when the price an NVIDIA Quadro. ;)

The level of GPU acceleration will vary widely depending on the card you're using, although something is better than nothing.
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Holy shit. Last time I used Vegas was when the newest one was 6. Ha, that was intense back then! Nowadays it would probably seem like a toy to Vegas 11 users. It be like iMovie to Final Cut Studio Users. Or Garageband to Logic Studio Users.
Holy shit. Last time I used Vegas was when the newest one was 6. Ha, that was intense back then! Nowadays it would probably seem like a toy to Vegas 11 users. It be like iMovie to Final Cut Studio Users. Or Garageband to Logic Studio Users.

I know an audio guy that still uses Vegas 5, he says it's the most stable. He only uses it for mixing.