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watch Something very different!

Check out my latest project (I'm DannyP) my buddy AYOLO directed/edited it. We tried something new and different that we've never done before, with adding the words in the backround! I really want HONEST opinions on the video so we can make it even BETTER next time around! Thanks a lot guys! I'm happy with it, I just want to hear critical opinions, so I can pass them on to AYOLO himself!


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the cinematography is good. I would say try and get more creative with the shot other than just sitcking it on a tripod. Or maybe just do more scenery stuff. I liked the shot where he's walking through the hallway
I watched the first one until :50. It's not really my thing, but surprisingly, not bad. Good beginning too. It seems missing one or two more elements that would make it top notch. Exactly what they are, I don't know. But you're on the right track. Good luck.
the stuff in the theater (or wherever it was) was a little too "JJ Abrams style"

(im talking about the lens flare effect)

try to avoid that cuz from what I've read and heard, noone in the world likes that except JJ Abrams.
Music Videos often have a lot of funky flares and lighting effects, I thought it mostly worked in that shot. Though lighting quality differed a bit throughout the video
I can see a bit of resemblance to Daley ft Jessie j - remember me

Personally didnt like this vid, your image I feel is wrong, I didn't like the background where you were walking.

Where you were sitting down was ok but you coulda done more maybe some effects if you brought out your hands more, otherwise I was more or less sitting down or walking.
Appreciate the feedback and honestly, I'll relay to the videographer! He likes hearing this kind of feedback!
