Something to remember when doing contests.

I had a bit of time last month and participated in a Sound Design competition promoting software.

I approached my entry like a professional sound designer would for a project that had been given me and made it sound the smoothest, cinematic and story-enhancing as I could. I tried to make the sound design fit in and not call attention to itself.

I forgot the judges would just be looking for any random noise that calls attention to itself saying "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I'M A COOL SOUND EFFECT THAT RIPS YOUR SPEAKERS TO SHREDS BUT I SOUND SO COOL!"

Remember, if something is being promoted in a challenge or contest, EXPLOIT IT AND MAKE IT LOOK APPEALING TO POTENTIAL BUYERS, THE MORE IDIOTIC AND TASTELESS THE BETTER, JUST SHOW HOW COOL THE PRODUCT IS, because that's all the judges will be looking for, how to promote.

Boy was I naive.

/end rant
I hear ya, ROC. I had a similar feeling after seeing the winners for the Superbowl commercial comp. Apparently all they were interested in was crotch-shots. So much for elevating the brand and making something that would stand out and be unique.

But I digress :/
Yeah. Sad, isn't it? Your ad was awesome and unique.

BOY I should have re-thought my approach.

Anyway, so's life.
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They took them all down already, I think.

And it would give you all my real name, which I cannot do!

2 of them feature films, 2 of them video games.
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I felt a similar way one year for the 48HFP. After seeing which team won "Best Editing", I knew for sure that the people voting didn't know a damn thing about editing. They awarded it to a team that was very undeserving, because they were appearantly impressed by a match cut. I'm sure you're thinking that I think I should've won (I should've :)), but even if it didn't go to me, I can think of a few other teams that were much more deserving.

Anyway, as Dready mentioned -- if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I'm entering again this year. In addition to my normal editing, I'm going to be sure to throw in a few easy tricks to wow the dummies.
Well, it would help if these companies would not compile a list of mandatory elements and then do a 180 when selecting. If one (company) is open to anything, then state as much...that's not so hard.
It's like this aspect of photography where an ill composed image with brighter colours will often be liked more than a well composed image without popping colours.
Thanks for that info. I think with the (relatively) new idea that anyone can get a cheap camera, editing equipment and make something-there's still that "novelty" effect that's going on. I'm (HOPING) in the next decade or more there will be a slow transition to actually caring about the craft and the work behind it-rather than "hey let's film something and throw it together and win a contest!"

Because I DO see a glimmer, when I see more people getting on these boards at 13, 14 years of age, and doing some good stuff-and wanting to learn more-that this will continue so that when that group is in their 20's, they start saying "enough with the garbage, lets see some real quality"

One can hope :)