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Something to Be Desired: Bi-Weekly Web Series Update

Hey all;

Something to Be Desired is an ongoing web series filmed in Pittsburgh and updated with a brand new episode every other Monday. The series is a comedy / drama that follows a group of DJs at an independent radio station, and falls somewhere between Kevin Smith and Richard Linklater in tone.

I've been recycling this post in the interest of not flooding the forum with a new notice every time we have a new episode up (which is obviously frequently) but that may be changing soon. In the meantime, feel free to check us out at -- each new episode is available for two weeks (for free!) until it's retired to the archives, which are available (also for free)! to our members (i.e., anyone who signs in with a valid email address).

To get started, our most recent episode can be found at: (for Windows folks)
or (for MAC folks).

Or you can start at the beginning of the season: (for Windows folks)
or (for MAC folks).

(Please allow for a bit of preload time, since some episodes are over 15 minutes long.)

Thanks for the interest and keep watching! And if you haven't started watching yet, now's the time to start -- only two episodes to go before we end our second season and prep the DVD!

Let us know what you think and best of luck in your own endeavors!
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I've been meaning to go back and view the series from scratch.

This is definitely one of the better "soaps" on the 'net. :P
Rather than starting a new thread every time we launch a new episode of Something to Be Desired, I thought I'd just update this post. Seems like a good way to not clutter the board on a bi-weekly basis.


A new episode of Something to Be Desired is now available! You can view it directly at: (for Windows folks)
or (for MAC folks).
Or feel free to check out the rest of the series at

This is the first portion of a two-part episode featuring Leo and the crew from Shout! Magazine, the second of which will be available in (drumroll, please) two weeks. In the meantime, thanks for viewing!
Heheh... that tubby Leo cracks me up :P

Once again, very nicely done. I think the only thing missing was some ambient office background-noise.

Thanks for the kudos. I'll be sure to edit the word "tubby" out from any thumbs-up I pass along to cast...

Ambient office noise would have been nice, true. Then again, it would have inferred an office full of extras that I would someday have to account for, and that's a headache I'll nullify early...
Two weeks later, a new episode... Yep, right on time...

This week, we veered off our schedule somewhat when I had an opportunity to film an episode against the backdrop of a local art event known as FLUX. We balanced the scripted scenes between footage of the characters interacting with the artists and volunteers at the event, and the results turned out quite well. I could have used a little less background noise, but at least there's no doubt that we're at the event...

You can view Episode 4 directly at: (for Windows folks)
or (for MAC folks).
Or feel free to check out the rest of the series at
I think it's great that you were able to take advantage of that art show. It added a lot of production value. Some of the cinema verite photography was great. The only thing that suffered was the audio.

Good job.

Once again... just great stuff!

(I can't believe I'm saying that about a soap) :shock:

Will Leo get to smoke a cigarette? Tune in in two more weeks, to find out!
scottspears said:
I think it's great that you were able to take advantage of that art show. It added a lot of production value. Some of the cinema verite photography was great. The only thing that suffered was the audio.

Thanks, Scott. I really enjoyed shooting at the event, and the people involved were very helpful. They were also incredibly busy, which meant no one had time to slow us down with paperwork and procedure questions.

The audio did suffer a bit, but hopefully most scenes are still acceptable in that "overheard dialogue" sort of way. It's not our best audio work, but it's the best we could do without massive amounts of voiceover. I have a feeling we'll close-caption that episode -- if not all the episodes -- once the DVD rolls out later this year.

And yes, Steve, Leo will have that cigarette someday... He'll probably even get to drink an alcoholic beverage...

As an aside, I find myself as shocked as anyone else that this "soap" is doing as well as it is, mainly because I never really aimed to do an "online soap opera" in the first place. That's just the way the structure shook out. Now I appreciate why those daytime soaps, or the Dawson's Creeks and Knots Landings of the world are so addictive...
This post comes a few days later than usual because our site was temporarily down due to a physical relocation of the server, but STBD Episode 5 is now up and running.

This episode follows up on the loose ends left dangling after the FLUX episode and features the return of Marjorie. Consider this the set-up for some Dean-centric twists over the next few episodes...

The latest episode can be seen directly at: (for Windows folks) or (for MAC folks).

You can also go directly to and catch up on the back episodes you may have missed.

And, if you like what you see, as always, spread the word!
How about a DVD? That has to be in the works, yes?

Do you use different writers for the different storylines?

Great transition at the "shallow" end of the pool to Leo :P

That brief flashback scene was hilarious, and the look on Leo's face afterwards as he recalled that event... priceless.

Do you get bi-weekly airplay on local tv station?


Thanks for your comments! To answer:

Yes, a DVD of Season One is in the works, including Director and Cast commentary, Deleted Scenes and a Behind-the-Scenes "Making Of," which seems to be standard issue.

I'm the only writer for the series (as well as the only director, producer, editor and, at this point, cameraman) but I'd say nearly half the dialogue you hear is ad-libbed to some degree. The actors tend to use the script as a guideline rather than a bible, and that's fine by me as long as they adhere to the gist of the scene.

I don't have airplay on a local TV station, though one local public access channel was interested in airing our episodes. I have yet to take that step. Since I'm essentially the production AND promotions unit for the series, things don't always get done as quickly as I'd like them to...
Two weeks later aaaaaaaaaand... we have a new episode.

For everyone wondering why we haven't seen more of Dean so far this season, it's because we've been saving him for now. So, here he is. Enjoy.

(And the Leo fans can rest assured that he'll be back soon...)

Where can the new episode be seen? Why,, of course!
The end of July brings heat, rain (here in Pittsburgh, at least) and a new episode of Something to Be Desired!

This episode features the complications of "love + roomates," the sly advances of Leo in regard to Dean's radio job, and Dean's surprise visit from Marjorie, who seems to have an agenda all her own...

The latest episode can be seen directly at: (for Windows folks)
or (for MAC folks).

If you missed Episode 6 (or any of our earlier episodes), catch up in our Episodes section, which is available to registered members (all for free)!

Check it out and let us know what you think!
Episode 2-7.....

Best... episode... *ever* 8)

"Hey.. hey dude, do you have any condoms?"

"You're not here... and this never happened"

I almost died laughing. =D>

Thenk you thank you. I never know which lines will work for whom, so I just put in as much as I can and then sit back and wonder.

Topping 2-7 should be a fun challenge...
Hot on the heels of Episode 7, it's... Episode 8A!

Giving you what you want: More Jack. More Leo. MORE ELK! Plus, the return of Rachel, who has been dubbed (in certain circles), "Hottie Secretary"...

The latest episode can be seen directly at: (for Windows folks)
or (for MAC folks).

Or, you can visit and catch up on all the episodes you may have missed.

Let us know what you think!
Suicidal Gunshow rocks!!!