Something About Premiere Pro

I purchased a copy of Premiere Pro CS4, and played with it a bit before reading into the book that I ordered along with it. It seems as if the process is very slow if I import an AVI file, but everything is fine when I import an MPG file. Is that true? If it is true, I should probably export the video clips captured from my camera into MPG files, huh?

I was also wondering, a video footage shot from my HD camera and edited on my computer would not look like it severly lakcs resolution when shown on a big white screen from a DVD projector?

Thank you.
The process that moves slow that you refer to is the indexing or generating peak file for the AVI, right? That would be slower since AVI is uncompressed, while mpeg is compressed. I typically keep them as AVIs, as the less a video is compressed, the easier it is for the computer to render effects and such in the preview screen while editing, it's worth the extra few minutes for it to generate peakfiles or index them, it only has to do it once per file anyway.

I am actually using CS3, and love it, been using it for about 2 years, never fails!

As for playing edited HD footage on a dvd projector...well, if you've burned it to a movie dvd, rather than a data dvd as an HD file, it will have lost resolution, as DVD movie discs only take SD. The only "dvd players" besides computers to play HD from a DVD are 360s and ps3s.
Actually, after all that generating peak file process, I have hard time trying to view the imported video. The sound would play normally, but the image is not moving. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
The CPU and Ram are definitely fine, Vista's good, but what about your graphics card? If you do have a sufficient graphics card, I'd say there's something wrong with the software somewhere, maybe another program conflicting, or some type of registry issue...I went through total computer chaos over the summer with 2 of our business computers being plagued with issues like motherboards dying, hdd's dying, moving up to Vista 64-bit (which works great), and having to be sure to install optimization software that cleans the registry (which gave one computer that hadn't any scans in months about a 450% boost in performance).

Adobe should be working really smoothly...
It seems as if the process is very slow if I import an AVI file, but everything is fine when I import an MPG file. Is that true? If it is true, I should probably export the video clips captured from my camera into MPG files, huh?

To me, it sounds like you're importing video that doesn't match your project settings.

You shouldn't have to export to MPGs to get started with editing.

video footage shot from my HD camera and edited on my computer would not look like it severly lakcs resolution when shown on a big white screen from a DVD projector?

When you burn to DVD, the MPG files are created. You should be able to select the quality of the final file, somewhere in your options. The lowest quality looks a bit blocky, when shown through a DVD projector. The highest quality setting looks really great.

(I use a DVD projector, with a 14-foot diagonal screen.)

Even though your original footage may have been shot on HD, it is down-converted to regular standard-definition when you turn it into a DVD. (That's just what DVDs use - not much you can change, aside from the export quality settings) It will still look very good. In fact, you probably won't even notice, unless you have a side-by-side comparison running. (Or you have bionic eyes, or something)