Alright so I've always been interested in movies and how to make one. A good one. no, scratch that, a GREAT one. I had a dillema though, I didn't know what to make it about.
Well a couple weeks ago somebody told me about a story they came up with and its BRILLIANT! So I said hey lets make that into a movie...
Now I'm not new to making movies, but I'm new to all the stuff that indie film makers use (cameras, lighting, how to get permits for things, etc). So I've got 7 BIG questions! Here goes...
1. Top three cameras to get for a reasonable price (think around $700)?
2. How to get that "hollywood" feel... is it filters, or is added in post production?
3. How do I do sound, I know it has to be recorded sepratly so how does that work?
4. How/What to do to get permits for explosions/car chases?
5. How do I find/get actors/camera men/cinematographers/hair and makeup artist in my area for a film?
6. The movie has alot of gun shooting in it, would it be better to get airsoft guns and add the sound/muzzle flash in post, or spend twice as much and get blank firing guns?
7. What post production editing/CGI software should I get?
Thanks to anyone that helps me out on this, I appreciate it.
Well for now I'm out. LATER! - Thrift.
Well a couple weeks ago somebody told me about a story they came up with and its BRILLIANT! So I said hey lets make that into a movie...
Now I'm not new to making movies, but I'm new to all the stuff that indie film makers use (cameras, lighting, how to get permits for things, etc). So I've got 7 BIG questions! Here goes...
1. Top three cameras to get for a reasonable price (think around $700)?
2. How to get that "hollywood" feel... is it filters, or is added in post production?
3. How do I do sound, I know it has to be recorded sepratly so how does that work?

4. How/What to do to get permits for explosions/car chases?
5. How do I find/get actors/camera men/cinematographers/hair and makeup artist in my area for a film?

6. The movie has alot of gun shooting in it, would it be better to get airsoft guns and add the sound/muzzle flash in post, or spend twice as much and get blank firing guns?

7. What post production editing/CGI software should I get?
Thanks to anyone that helps me out on this, I appreciate it.
Well for now I'm out. LATER! - Thrift.