So where's the indietalk chat room?

Heheh. It's better that it doesn't exist, I need another internet time "waster." Still...might be kinda cool.

I know that chat clients can cost an arm and a leg, so that's a damn good reason, right there. Any chance advertising could pay for it?
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Yeah, when I joined here, I remember I was looking for a chat function. This could come in pretty handy as long as it is moderated closely.
Actually, I'm under the impression that unmoderated chat is much more tenable, realistic, and affordable -for legal reasons- than moderated chat. That doesn't mean that it would have to be uncivilized. I think that I read that moderated chat got AOL into trouble. In that case, unmoderated chat is actually better than moderated chat...for liablility reasons. But I think that unmoderated chat can be done.
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AOL's issues with chat moderators was more to do with labour-laws & practises, at the time, when 'net access was just starting to become available at a flat rate to the majority. Long story.

There used to be a chatroom here, btw. Definitely for the best that it's gone. I'd never get any work done. :blush:
Definitely for the best that it's gone. I'd never get any work done.

There's a great bunch of people here but personally speaking I'd find it unproductive and a waste of time... For me, best that it doesn't exist.

Just start a couple of threads in the lobby, there's always someone around.