So what did you learn or do this weekend? (6/13) & (6/20

Another week(end) is over; the fulltime filmmakers carry on and the part-timers tuck away the gear 'til the next day off from the dayjob. But, they all likely learned something over the weekend (or past week).

If it was new to you, it may well be new to someone else, too! Share a nugget of wisdom, advice, or lesson learned from the school of hard knocks.

For me: Carry business cards!

Now, I'm not a fulltime film-pro by any means, but I found myself in an awkward situation at a social/party over the weekend to work on networking. It was very much an actors-wannabe event... and I received roughly a dozen contact cards from people up for working on anything. At the same time, I had nothing to hand out to those who wanted something to follow up on later from me, or to pass around... and people were asking for them. :shock:

Kinkos, here I come!

So... learn any tips or tricks over the past week? Discover that pinstripe designs look odd on video? Find the value of having a spare camera battery on hand? You may well have something good to share, big or small. :D
that sounds like a valuable lesson Zen...

For me: Never trust your sister to get you a Camera Operator!

I was planning on filming the remaining scenes for my short film which I am starring in, so obviously I couldn't stand behind the camera whilst acting in front of it, so I asked my sister to ask her boyfriend, who is a rather proficient photographer, if he could be my camera operator, of course when I asked she said "yes! of course! he'd love to!" and then the day came and I called them, only to be greeted with "we can't do it today! we have to do the shopping alright?!" blah blah blah blah.... Well, long story short, filming couldn't happen because I couldn't find a Camera Operator. And seeing as this is a school project with an absolute $0 budget, I couldn't hire anyone. Oh well, at least it doesn't have to be done for another 12 weeks.
I learned how to change font color on this forum.

Just kidding, I already knew that. I did however learn that ... Oh who am I kidding, I never learn anything useful.

Movie Premiere

This weekend I attended the premiere for the independent film A House Divided from Jodom Pictures

The event was held at the Seaport World Trade Center on the Boston waterfront, an impressive venue for a small budget film!

I learned a great deal about what goes into the production of a well-polished, professional looking film. A gripping story, outstanding cinematography, emotive acting, the musical score, lighting, sound, foleys, costumes - every aspect seemed to receive special attention.

I'm not connected with the film (except for knowing a few actors) but I wish I had been. The writer/producer/director, Mike Amato, did a fantastic job. If you get a chance, read the background articles on his web site (linked above.)
I learnt how to use Flash MX to produce fantastic animated title sequences! It's a great tool. I had animated light beams rising up out from the distance and then the title logo blur into clarity - mmmmmm... Anyone here use flash a lot too?
i thought i already posted here, but i got my new camera, Panasonic AG DVX 100a, and i filmed some stupid stuff with it. Also, i use flash mx a lot too, mostly for web design though..
Pickles are actually cucumbers!

seriously I never thought about what a pickle was other than a pickle.
I feel enlightened by my own self discovery, Ohh and I learned how to make a snort noise with my mouth like the one's used on the uncle meat album by the mothers of invention from an interview with the sax player.
I found a casting company here in my hometown thats accepting headshots and resumes for corporate videos and infomercials. Submitting a mailer to them tommorow!
This weekend I learnt that old mine shafts are very very dark. (i went in one and my flashlight failed). ;) Great movie story line inspiration! (might have been done though... ah well...)
Gah! Peeps too impatient for the weekly fresh thread? \:D/

Leaping in with...

Learned zip... but I did officialy enter the NYCmidnight film competition, which starts at the end of July! Due to the imposed time limit on it, I'll likely have some panic-stricken posts in the "Help Wanted" forums at about that time. ;)

Team name : "Weasels of Zen"

Wish us luck :shock:
Little Black Book

Wear combat pants with big side pockets and carry a notebook that just fits into that pocket when you're on a production
I've just finished a corporate job in Mexico, where the client changed the project/script/cast/locations several times a day, which made scheduling a nightmare. By writing down all the problems that needed fixing in the note book, the second they cropped up and then reviewing them and making plans based on that info, we managed to bring the piece in on time and on budget. This is the only project I've done where the call sheets were out of date before they were even out of the printer.
Well...I acquired the skills of Deborah Wolff and had the first production meeting with her here in Indy. She has done producer and PM work for the likes of Fear Factor, The Mole, and The Amazing Race. She is currently working on the budget and assembling a crew.

In spite of everything I'd hoped to learn over the weekend, I ended up learning some stuff I hope to forget quickly.

I learned how old, dry wood can crack and break... taking rails for two overhead garage doors with it.

I learned how quickly injuries happen when large garage door extension springs snap.

I learned that, for structural integrity, nails and screws aren't as effective as big honkin' 3/8" x 3-1/2" hex bolts. Coupled with steel brackets for building decks, it's possible to rebuild a high torsion hanging platform that will last longer than the garage around it.

I learned how to trace water dripping through the basement ceiling to a refrigerator that's been quietly leaking. I won't mention the heartbreak of ripping up floor tiles I installed less than two years ago.

I learned, after all that, my wife was correct in observing that "all these troubles come in threes." Wish she hadn't said that... I also learned that the gauge on our propane tank is faulty as it ran out of gas with half-cooked steaks and sausages.

And the biggest lesson I learned is that watermelon rind is much more dangerous than it looks. Feeding strips of rind into a running kitchen sink disposal can cause the rind to spin very quickly - and it has no problem slicing through unguarded flesh.

So, like I said, I'd rather forget about everything I learned this weekend.
i learned i actually SHOULD adjust whitebalance before filming..and it does make a difference no matter how much i though it i gotta get that manual and learn HOW to adjust it :)
I learned that a lot of "indie film" companies are VERY unorganized and unreliable...even if they're as big as!

I've had many brushes with both Hollywood and Independent types...and, surpisingly, businesses (and people) associated with Hollywood are actually much more organized, and they tend to be nicer in some cases...Hollywood may be "fake", but I prefer it to doing things like order a DVD and waiting FIVE MONTHS to recieve it...even after several reminder emails.
I have to agree, that my experience is that lots of indie companies aren't as organised as they need to be.

To be fair, there are a lot of us out here who are VERY organised. I think this is the main area that keeps the indie scene small. We are by our very nature creative. If we could also get our project management skills to the same level, nothing in the world could stop us.