So what did you do this week? (07/03)

My first non introductory post.

This week i have mostly been...

Finalising a documentary pitch for a doc on third generation multiculturalism and sourcing interviewees,
Rewatching Cedric Khan's L'Ennui and falling in love with it all over again.
Trying not to get too far up my colon whilst helping out a sound designer and artist with ideas for his Klein like colour/matter/depth installation.
Thinking i might be developing narcolepsy.
Yelling at the stupid fuckers at the repair shop who tried to tell me the laptop was crashing everytime i tried to save anything in PhotoShop because i had 4 shortcuts on my desktop. Wankers.

Remarkably productive week all in all. :yes:

Finnished editing a short

This has been a good week for Futile Effort Films. I shot and edited a short called "sleepy". Its a 90 second montage designed to cure insomnia. I made if for my dad because we have an ongoing joke about how people in my family can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. My dad is the king of napping. I think its funny. I set it to Screamin' Jay Hawkin's "I put a spell on you" so I can't post it until I replace the music. I'd hate to break copywrite laws. My husband wrote a song for it to replace the screamin Jay so we can share it with the world. I hope to get that recorded and added to the short this weekend.

I also did my very first shift as a registered nurse this week....Yeah!! I know what your thinking "what does that have to do with filmmaking?", right? Everything! Soon I'll have paychecks to fund our extremely low budget films, including new camera and computer upgrades.

Thanks all for the great information. I've had a ton of my questions answered just reading through some of the discussions.
Great news about the kiddo, soon-to-be Dad.

This week I wrote the first 4 pages of a new Treament: A crime/thriller set in Big D. Looks to be a cool flick. Kind of a Moragn Freeman/Ashley Judd type pairing. So far, some pretty good plot twists.

To Beeblebrox -- your news about the baby tops them all. Congrats!!!

As for my recent events--this week I got a new job (finally, after being laid off for four months) AND moved our family into our first "home" (instead of apartment).

I didn't do much with our movie projects, but I did record a song (with Charles' help) to be included on our upcoming soundtrack CD. Also worked on some art/packaging design for said soundtrack CD. The CD should be available for sale in August.

We talked about submitting our first movie FINGER to film festival...might do that next week.