So what did you do? (Feb 27th ending)

Another fine week (well, two) is over since last thread about this.

What have you been up to, in the meantime?

Signed a contract? Cameraman quit? Wrote a screenplay? Discovered that weather is fickle for outdoor shoots? Found a good book?

Tell us about it! :)


I'll start...

I met up with boardmember DirectorX and the actors, for a rehearsal and planning session.

Camera angles all figured out, and I got to lock DirectorX in the trunk of my car. (Yes, yes... I let him out later)

We are all ready to shoot next weekend... in theory.


and you? What is exciting in your film-world, right now? :cool:
This weekend has been an exciting one for me. Friday I got my 16mm film back and it turned out great. You can see a clip from it here. I've also been editing interviews for the NIGHTBEAT DVD that will be released this week. Hopefully! :) Then I'm still planning on shooting 7,8,9 my romantic film. Hopefully the weather will hold up good here as it takes place outside. We'll see what happends.

So that's what's been going on around here. Next... :cool:

P.S. This weekend I also went over the 400 post mark! :D
Not much in film land for me this week.. our shoot was called off so I had a free weekend. Sleeping in Saturday morning was nice, but I'd rather go work on it and have it get finished before I head to Boston in April.

Other than that, just working on the storyboard for Cohens romantic film. ;) (Psst.. yeah, it'll be done soon Cohen.)
On Friday I went back to Middle school. Actually I was asked to come in and talk with some students about my experiences with filmmaking and to answer any questions the kids might have for me. The students are creating a film that will be shown to the whole school in the next few months. I'm also helping them edit their film as the school doesn't have the proper equipment to edit with.

Saturday, I spent some time in the screening room. Trying to catch up on all the nice work found there! I'll post my links soon. Then went to work.

Sunday, Oscar party. Meeting with my crew to discuss our next project...shooting to begin in March. Then got home and read a couple of short film scripts.

Pulled together cast and writing team for new TV comedy project. :)

Discussed development of a digital cinema network with the UK Film Council only to discover they'd already committed to an £11.7 million spend that week with a rival company. :(

Realised that it made no difference to my business model :)

Got a phone call telling me that my Sci-Fi script has secured development funding :)

Did a meeting about the possibility of co-ordinating a community feature film over the next year. :)

Travelled to Leeds and saw my brother-in-law in his new Opera

Spent too much time lying on the sofa watching TV, ate too much pizza.
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Monday: i was told by my course professors that i was failing to live up to expectations and that i needed a very audacious high score to get back on the ball

Thursday: got a really audacious high score with my presentation on human nature and the pursuit of happiness.

Friday: got angry with myself that i can't turn it on always

Saturday: relieved that i can't turn it on always, because if i did i'd probably be in some role of responsibility and with someone so inconsistent that wouldn't be very good

Sunday: thinking about themes for Supermarche, trying to work out why i have such problems talking to beautiful women (or woman).
Well, I worked on my "sarcasm" script, a friend and i started it about a week ago, we have 10 pages done so far. Thats about all ive done this week... mostly because ive been grounded :grumpy:
My "dayjob" as a stagehand took precedence over my movie. Prep day Tuesday (10 hours) then Wed - Fri we did 8am to 11pm and Saturday was the big rehearsal day. 7am call - got out of the theater at 2am. Just in time for a 10am call on Sunday and the big show at 5:30. I was home by 10:30!

Thank the maker I don’t have to do a week like that again until next year.

We record the score for my movie on Wed-Thu. 8 musicians on Thursday, 14 on Friday. I’ve never done a score with live musicians before and neither has the composer - it’s going to be scary and a lot of fun.

So Steve, when are you shooting - and where? Ya need an extra hand, let me know.
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There's quite a bit going on, it seems!

Hope a few more chime in, too. (Great chance to plug current projects, etc)

Meanwhile, I have a few Q's for the posters so far...


Then I'm still planning on shooting 7,8,9 my romantic film

Are you greenscreening that, or genuinely filming it in an aloft hot-air balloon?


our shoot was called off

Gah! You get rained out? Or some other weird cancellation? (Been raining like crazy in SoCal)


searching for another free host for my site besides ad-infested Geocities.

I love that "The Portal" series you have! (Seriously, more people need to see this. A one-man army indeed)

Looks like you found a new place, yes?


Getting all props listed and accounted for -- shooting begins Saturday!

Possibly dumb Q on my part... I understand the reckoning of props. That just reminded me of something I've been meaning to ask for a while (but I keep forgetting)

What is an off-camera prop called, for catalogue purposes? Like a stepladder, bouncecard, gaff-tape, etc? In general terms, that is.


The students are creating a film that will be shown to the whole school in the next few months

That sounds pretty neat!

What type of flick? I'm guessing at DUI or peer-pressure related story. Confirm/Deny?


Sunday: thinking about themes for Supermarche

I can't find any info on this on your various links you have posted. Care to share?

Found a lot of other odd stuff, though... I'll summarise with :seeya:


Got a phone call telling me that my Sci-Fi script has secured development funding

Did I ever mention that I am a great actor? With a penchant for sci-fi? And that I have a psuedo-Brit accent? And that I can flee in horror from Daleks like the best of them?

Let's have lunch.


mostly because ive been grounded

Kinda puts a damper on things, yes.

At least you had lots of time to write with! :P

Have a logline to share for this "Sarcasm" thing?


I’ve never done a score with live musicians before and neither has the composer - it’s going to be scary and a lot of fun.

Yes, that sounds like a very unique experience! (I utilise the SonnyBoo, Stiiv, Logan & Marchetti tracks so far) You should take pics of how it is done! Does the orchestra play along to a silent screening of the film? I think that's how they did it on this one Colombo TV-show I saw.


So Steve, when are you shooting - and where? Ya need an extra hand, let me know.

I appreciate the offer, indeed I do.

It's this coming weekend, in Anaheim... but I'm afraid I have so many people coming already.

I will let you know about other things that are lined up for later, if that is okay. I have some Twilight Zone things in mind. :abduct:

Is very nice to meet people from the boards here. I'm always available to help out on anyone's local projects too. :cool:


Dang! That was a long reply!
Zensteve --> I can't find any info on this on your various links you have posted. Care to share?
Found a lot of other odd stuff, though... I'll summarise with :seeya:

Supermarche is a premise that I have chosen to make my first real solo feature script effort. Due for completion in the Summer. It takes place entirely within one setting (so will be very cheap to make), its a non-linear mystery/coming of age (cringe worthy combo) story taking place over a day from the POVs of different characters with general themes on the history of man, the philosophy of history, modernity, human nature, the pursuit of happiness and the premise of shopping based upon the principles of means and end, jealousy, legacy and family. It will be completed by the 1st of September 2005 and available to anyone to option in the UK.

Odd stuff........... :( thats painful man.

i got to say - i think its very communal of you to ask these questions. makes me feel wanted :blush:
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wow, your summary was a bit hard to follow but needless to say I'm intrigued. in a supemarket none the less.....was it a Super Wal-Mart for that matter?
Zensteve said:
Are you greenscreening that, or genuinely filming it in an aloft hot-air balloon?

We're doing it all for real. That's why there has been some delay in filming as when you fly a hot air balloon the conditions have to be pretty prefect. Wind no more than 10mph, only can lift off at sunrise and sunset ect. But I'm hoping for good weather. Also I just like doing physical effects with everything there. Greenscreen would be the easy way out to do this. So hopefully we'll be filming this time next week! :yes:

And for your info Zen the lovely Micia(Curse of the Invisible Man) is going to be in this one.:bow: :lol:
JohnnieBoy said:
wow, your summary was a bit hard to follow but needless to say I'm intrigued. in a supemarket none the less.....was it a Super Wal-Mart for that matter?

firstly, welcome JohnnieBoy to the site!! :yes:
it is designed for any supermarket, but there is a particular chain in the UK for which it would be perfect (its not a political thing, its just they have a certain unique lay out to their stores).
sorry about the summary - its all ever so slightly up in the air right now - just want to make sure i get this right ;)
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aha. 2 things: I just tried to shoot a spec for that new (and tastes good too) kind of beer w/caffeine....b to the E. I figured something edgy in a whacked out supermarket! alas, cali supermarkets aren't intriguing in layout......

also, I will have to remember that about the hot air balloon. Was recently asked to be on a reality show with my mother in a balloon.......
Thanks Hail. glad to be here. now if I could just get a job in a hot air balloon.....although working on some films preferred. I almost went to a moby video the other nite. 4p - 4a shoot. hey, if you ain't paying me, why waste good sleep time.