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SLasher Flicks

K, K, K. What are your thoughts on Slasher Films???

Slasher films started with Psycho, evolved with Halloween, died with Sequels and Returned with Scream.

This may or no be interesting for some, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on Slasher Films.
TCM is a slashers but Scream not so much.

I like them, in fact I have a 30 page short that's inspired by the movie disgusting late 70s/early 80s slashers like Last House On the Left, House on the Edge of the Park things like that.

I don't know if they are ready for a resurgence right now in the mainstream but I would love to see more indie folk making them.
I think Scream will either revive them, or keep them in Purgatory for a little bit longer.

And I believe the Texas Chainsaw massacer is a Slasher. But a part of me says it isn't. Leaning towards more of a no since it's a chainsaw and not a knife, or knives, but whaterever. Who cares, awesome movie!
They call Horror movies Thrillers so your girlfriend will go see it with you and thus they make more money.

Thriller = Less guts and more narrow escapes from the bad guy.

Horror = In your face corn syrup and dyed oatmeal and screaming.
Horror has sub-genre, some (Like a Slasher Flick) have a rational explanation (A nut job on a violent bloody killing spree) as a killer virus or haywire robot or space aliens would also have a rational explanation. Other Horror films might have an irrational explanation based in the Supernatural (Like a haunted house).

A Thriller is a sub-genre of Crime. Usually the various Crime sub-genres are distinguished by whose POV we experience the crime from. A Thriller might be from a Victim’s point of view or a Detective’s point of view (or others), and could have a trail of clues surrounding a crime. Thriller also has sub categories, like the Political or Psychological Thrillers.

Things get mixed up, like The Exorcist for example could be called a Horror film, but it is also a Supernatural Thriller.

From dictionary.com:

Horror: an overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking, terrifying, or revolting; a shuddering fear: to shrink back from a mutilated corpse in horror.

So, according to that definition, a horror film is something that shocks your value system, it has to really horrify you.

I consider thrillers to be more in the suspence genre. Also from dictionary.com:

Suspense: a state or condition of mental uncertainty or excitement, as in awaiting a decision or outcome, usually accompanied by a degree of apprehension or anxiety.

A film need not have any blood, guts, or on-camera violence to be a thriller, so that definition fits, IMO.

But I'm no expert, feel free to disagree :D
Slasher film: A killer with a knife or knives.

Thriller: A mystery oriented. Or. A chase or getaway type film. Or. A film where the character is the center of some unwanted attention, and

Horror: Blood. Killing. Monsters. Serial killers (That aren'tbased on the knife method_
I just re-read this and see that I am saying Thrillers are sub of Crime (which is true) but Crime can also be a sub of Thrillers as well as Thriller can be of Horror or Sci Fi which can be of each other and so on.
