Sit Ubu Sit - Good dog (what is that called?)

There are several things I have been wondering about and have not been able to find the answers.
At the beginning of a film and the end of a film there are usually short sequences that either show the production company as a motion graphic or something else.

What are they called?

I know what a motion logo is (an example would be the original HBO boxed letters on it's side floating through space to dramatic music).
g or the super 8 But at the end of a film, what is that called? Examples would be (sit ubu sit. good dofootage of a car getting on to the freeway and the title David Chase films after the end of the sopranos. I thought I would be able to find the answer for this here but I have not been able to.
Any idea's?
It's called a LOGO or SLIDE. It represents who the production company was that made the show.

Production Company logos are on something called "slides" at the end credits of a broadcast. "Sit Ubu Sit" is the audio that accompanied Gary David Goldberg's Ubu productions, most notably FAMILY TIES and SPIN CITY. Ubu productions is named after his dog Ubu.

My personal favorite is for MUTANT ENEMY, Joss Whedon's company. He found out he had to have the slide on the show after the end credits and he had 15 minutes, so he hand drew a logo and then held up a hand drawn mummy and was filming it move across the screen as he went "Grrr Argh!"

Contractually, the companies involved in the production of a show get to have their logo presented after the end credits. On DVD they will also include the parent studio that released or produced it as well (Universal, Disney, Paramount, Sony, etc.).
perfect. thank you.
i like the one (i don't remember what it was called) when you see a guy typing on a typewriter and he throws the paper up in the air and it becomes animated and curves into the logo. very cool.

i just didn't know what they were called.
thanks for you help...
The Mutant Enemy one is really good. Chris Carter's "I made this!" in a little girl's voice is another of my favorites. It fit in after Millennium in a nice twisted way. Can't remember the visual though, just the sound.

Also like the Bad Robot slide. Simple. No voice over on that one, but still cool.