Sinner - Short Movie

Hi everyone,
This is my first short movie Sinner. The inspiration source was my country's obsession with religion and misogyny.
Every feedback is welcome :)
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Hi and congratulations on completing your first short movie!!

My feedback is - I was not a fan of the ambient noise. Whatever room tone that was, i found it abrasive.
Something like this sounds a lot more pleasant

or you could have used music. if you have a few bucks there are websites that will sell you tracks.
there are also free ones you can get from youtube.
Hi, I'll give my modest feedback.
I really think you need a tripod. For many, at a conscious level, the difference between a still camera and a little shaky camera isn't really a problem, nor they find it disturbing. But I think that, for everyone, at least at a subconscious level, it makes the difference between an amateur and a professional. The implications are huge. I really think that a tripod for the camera can give the feeling that those shot are intentional. I mean they just don't let you imagine there's someone behind the camera.
Especially for this kind of works heavily based on reality, I think it's important not to ruin the immersion by making people think of the guy who is operating the camera.
I had to look up what "curva" means in English but I really liked the film. Religion and misogyny give so many people the misbelief of superior moral authority over other people, this film captures that well.