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simulate a power outage

so....I'm working on a video, there's a part where the power goes out...right now, everything just goes completely black...the music stops..and there's some crowd reaction sounds...but, it's not all that convincing and I don't think it's clear that there was a power outage. Anyone have some ideas on how to make my "power outage" more convincing?
Appropriate sound effects will always help sell other unconvincing visuals. Perhaps you could get the lights to flash briefly before they go out, like there's been a power surge?
The sound of a turbine winding down would sell it, even if not directly related to anything electric in the room powering down. Think of it...humming fridge, humming computer, etc. They wind down.
Ehem some ideas to throw around:
Cars honking in the background
Screaming, panic, hysteria
Riots, Looting
Airplanes crashing in the backyard
Simpsons version of Y2k

actually just go with the winding down sounds
so...thanks for all the suggestions. The sound seemed very important to me....I took the last 1/2 second of music before the "power outage" and slowed it down and added some light flickering. I have what I think is a pretty convincing or at least clear power outage now.

again, thanks everyone!