Driving Chev races about town in his Riviera
Behavior Dancing girls! Dancing girls! BDSM girls! Dancing Girls!
Threat Chev sticks a gun in a friend's face, lotta screaming and yelling
Threat Friend's posse all stick their guns in Chev's face, more screaming and yelling
Fight Attacks posse member, they all fight, is thrown through door
Car Chase Chev escapes in car at high speed, police chase him as he drives through mall crashing kiosks
Foot Chase Chev now on foot runs through mall, escapes through mall back alleys
Behavior Appropriates cab
Fight Assaults convenience store clerk, robs store
Behavior Jumps into pool, screaming argues with Carlito while armed guards observe, leaves smashing tables
Fight Grabs cab driver by collar, yells at him throws him to ground
Maiming Chev chops off hand of Verona's brother, fights
Kill x 1 Chev shoots Verona's brother in back of head
Foot Chase Runs through hospital, assaults, fires pistol, asks to be shocked w/ defibrillator
Threat Fires pistol at police intentionally missing
Foot Chase Runs from hospital and down the streets in hospital gown
Behavior Steals pistol from motorcycle cop, throws pistol then steals motorcycle, officer spinning in circles
Behavior Chev stands up on the bike seat as it drives down street, crashes, gets back on races away
Fight Runs downstairs to slam one bad guy into wall
Fight Runs over and fights another, pushes him into pool
Behavior Argument with GF turns into public sex
Kill x 1 Tranny friend asphixiated
Fight Chev sneaks up on rooftop, attacks man up there, turns out to be Carlito, throws him over edge
Gunfight Argument with guns turns into a gunfight, becomes a running gunfight through factory and outside
Car Chase Shoves GF through shot out car window, drives away bad guys in pursuit, car chase gunfight
Gunfight Rooftop argument become a gunfight between Carlito and Triad gang
Fight Helicopter fist fight, fall to questionable death
Crank 2: High Voltage
Behavior Chev's heart's removed by Asian surgeons
Fight Fight with two medical personnel
Gunfight Gunfight in the back lot
Gunfight Steal car, escape amid gunfight from bad guys
Car Crash Crash car, eject through window
Foot Chase Jump start body with car battery & cables, run to next location
Fight Fight everyone in the cat house
Fight Failed carjacking
Behavior Dancing girls! Dancing girls! Dancing Girls!
Behavior Bad guys cut off other bad guy's elbow
Fight Throw Randy off stage and into another room, then girlfriends fight
Gunfight Gunfight in the strip club
Fight Fights multiple police in parking lot
Behavior Steals police car, shocks self with taser
Behavior Runs, steals electric dog collar, shocks self, runs away from police
Behavior Public sex w/ GF at racetrack
Foot Chase Chase bad guy with heart on cooler, then chase him while he drives down parking corkscrew
Gunfight Abducted into limo, gunfight ensues before car crash
Fight Girlfriend fights scummy old boyfriend
Event Crazy girl runs across street, gets smashed by passing car
Gunfight Running gun fight
Fight Fight in the electrical sub-station
Event CatOnine tails beating
Gunfight Three way gun fight between Tranny's brother's peeps, the whore corps, and El Huron