Should I make a Vimeo account?

I have all of my films and videos on my youtube only as of now. I've got a ton of subscribers and a ton of views (at least in my eyes).

Is it worth it to also put all of my material on vimeo? Will I need to export my films as a different bit rate to make it look good? I use Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects 5.5.

Or should I just stick with youtube exclusive?

No harm signing up. There's some crossover audience but they're largely different crowds. Be sure to join some groups and post your videos in them.

Your files will work, or in CS5.5 you can export via the Vimeo preset (just be sure to check the framerate) and it should look great.
I think the purpose of youtube, as far is filmmaking goes, is to show content to entertain an audience. Youtube is largely made up of content absorbers (for lack of a better term), and vimeo has a lot of content creators who are also watchers.

Like Paul said, very different crowd. I suggest putting your vids on both, but for different reasons. Youtube is just so that more people can watch it and you get some buzz. Vimeo for actual constructive feedback and opinions of "pros."
On Vimeo, you'll get a lot better constructive criticism by people like yourself, filmmakers. There's a lot of unique artists on Vimeo that are helpful and always give out feedback, so Vimeo is good. Also, lot's more people have been picked up off of distributors on Vimeo.
Once you sign up, you can begin by subscribing to these channels. There are over 250,000 channels but these are some of the good ones:

The last two are mine, btw. If you do sign up, add me as a contact and share your work with me once you upload it. Would love to watch it.