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watch Short Super 8 Film - Pizza Slicer Dream Sequence

So this is a short super 8 movie I made for my class. It's pretty corny, and there are a lot of errors because it isn't edited at all, so I'm just forewarning you guys. I'm basically just experimenting with the medium right now because I'm still new to it -

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Cool beans, well done, did you add particle, dust & hair effects to the film in editing or did it come out that way from processing ?
I love Super-8. Good job for an early effort. My advice, is if you can add some music to the final video version that would help.

Thanks guys! I plan on shooting a lot more in the future with it, mainly experimental/playful stuff though.

@IndieBudget - I actually didn't add any particles or dust to it at all. I developed the film myself, so I may have not done something right or something to get that effect. I'm sure if it was professionally developed it would look a lot cleaner.
Everything old is new again.

I love this! In the 1980’s I made exactly this same movie. I’m not
kidding - a masked man (in my case hooded) chasing a guy on his
way to work. I didn’t do the dream ending and it was a little longer
with the “everyman” passing increasingly stranger people and
bizarrer (is that a word) incidents. But it’s essentially the same film.

On your next film you should pay more attention to exposure and
(as Scott mentions) add some music to the version you show.

What really fascinated me is IndieBudget’s comment. The intrinsic
values of super 8 film is seen by anyone under 35 as an add on effect.
Today filmmakers deliberately add to their video what we film users
just had to deal with - and more often than not, didn’t like.
Cool... Nice in camera edits. I'm impressed you developed it yourself - do you have instructions and chemical lists?

If you call action on the running sequences, then have the camera roll, you won't see the beginning of the action in camera and the illusion of the chase will hold a bit better).
Yeah, I had a set of instructions and different chemicals to use at my school, I developed it with a friend of mine. It was so time consuming to develop, but definitely worth it, I love the quality of it. It's just nice to see something different for once, I'm so used to growing up with DV and now DSLR cameras, that I sort of despise both of those. I'm a lot more interested in shooting in super8 and 16mm, despite the cost.
Nice, man. This looks great for a first attempt with super 8 film.

I'm kinda in the same boat as you. I love the look and feel of using film stock much more so than digital and I can't stand the use of DSLR cameras. I recently did a film using 16mm black and white with a wind up Bolex camera. The trailer's up on this site if you want to check it out.