archived-videos Short: "Sticky Wisdom"

Fellow newbie, Christopher, has inspired me to post a film as well!

This is the short that I did for last year's NYC Midnight Madness Competition. Our assigned genre was "Mockumentary" and the topic was "A day in the life of a person who thinks of ideas for bumper stickers". In retrospect, we could have been a lot harsher in the edit, but oh well, lesson learned. Enjoy!
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WeightOnWheels said:
You did this in 48 hours?

Good job :P


Actually, in the first round of NYCMMMM you have two weeks to make your first round film. Our time spent on this was (if I recall correctly):

3 days of banging on our heads on the wall to write it
3 nights of shooting after our day jobs
2 days of posting when we should have been working at our day jobs
2 hours of frantic driving into NYC to drop it off

Unfortunately, we didn't advance to the next round where you they give you only 24 hours to make a film, but we're trying again this year.
You were losing me early on, but brought me back with the creative dialogue. Once you got away from just the interview portions (which ran long) and focused on the inter workings of Sticky Wisdom (trademark that name, it's a gem) the film picked up and delivered.

Good job given the time constraints.
We do it with real people... peeing on other real people. Such as Charlton Heston on Michael Moore.

That was great!

Gotta say, you pulled off a mockumetary-style flick for the NYC Midnight a lot better than my team. (That's the category I got, for this year)

Now Bob... we both know what a cut-throat business this is. But the fact is, you're only as good as your last BS.

Awesome play on the BS.
What's up, thanks for posting, I really enjoyed watching your short because we got the same topic except our's had to be about an amateur magician. I now know how hard it is to do a Mocumentary and then add the fact that you have t do it in two weeks.

I laughed my %^& off when he started peeing. Not to mention the going to the john to come up with ideas. I used to go to the john to sleep at my old job, until one day my legs dame near fell off or at least thats how they felt. Word to the wise. Never go to sleep with your elbows on your thighs. ha ha ha

Nice Job!
I finally got around to watching it, and it was pretty funny. I'm sure with more time you could have put more funny dialogue in all of the interviews, but for the most part it was funny and entertaining. I loved the end, and charleston Heston peeing on Michael moore. Haha and the "hillary clinton, no one likes her"
Sticky Wisdom is going to be on TV (sort of)

Thanks for all of the feedback!

A cable access tv show in Detroit called Loose Change ( has asked permission to show Sticky Wisdom on an upcoming show. So I am in the process of putting together a broadcast-ready tape for them. In addition to getting to do some minor re-editing and a new professional audio mix, I'm thinking about some additional changes and I thought I would see if anyone had some ideas.

1. Opening title sequence. I think the white titles are a little boring and start the movie slowly. I'm considering putting together some kind of animated title sequence. I have two ideas:

a) something with cars and bumperstickers and music. Basically just opening credits using a bumper sticker motif.

b) some kind of news-reelish, biography, history story about the protagonist, Bob.

Some I'm looking for votes for option A or B, or any entirely different suggestions?

C) Leave it as it is, for what it is.

My own preference is to let finished flicks remain the way they are/were. George "Orwell" Lucas makes that idea sound better every day. Pretty soon that original creation will end up in Winston Smith's memory-hole with a new "original" supplanting it.

Now, that's just my opinion... and I'm sure that there will be some well-argued cases for wanting to improve & polish it up coming soon. :cool:
I agree to disagree

Part of me agrees with Zensteve and says leave it.

I also like the idea of the bumper sticker motif opening titles. I thought having some bumper stickers throughout the film would have been good so I think having them in the title would work well to. The only bumper stickers we see are on the corkboad so I think having some bumper stickers in the opening credits get people thinking about bumper stickers.

So I consider myself undecided.
I've watched this a few more times.

I still think you should leave it the way it is...

.. but I've just realised how great that first opening dialogue of Bob's is. It's just craziness delivered with such a straight face and solid belief.

It's definitely "dry" humour, and some of it needs to be re-watched to catch and appreciate.

This flick needs more sweet loving. :cool:
There will be no Sticky Wisdom Special Edition...

Zensteve said:
I still think you should leave it the way it is...

Zen (and Scooter), thanks for the feedback. I think I've been convinced to leave this thing as is. I'll still do the fresh sound mix and some color correction to make it broadcast legal, but I'm not going to add or remove anything from the original edit.

and Zen, thanks for the feedback on the dialogue. We were really happy with how it came through on screen (thanks to Charlie/Bob's great delivery). The most difficult part was how much we cut out in the edit, the original cut of the film was nearly 20 minutes long, with the original script probably closer to 25 since we didn't shoot everything we wrote. There were 3 whole characters cut and a subplot about one of the other writers that didnt' even make the final film. It's so stressful when you're editing and you have to throw out something you love and keep something you're not crazy about for the sake of the narrative. Still in the end, I think we probably could have made the film even shorter but cutting down the big office scene in the middle (at the cost of some funny lines).

It's funny, nearly every NYCMMMM entry I've seen over the last two years (Sticky Wisdom included) has pushed the 10 minute limit to the max. We worked really hard this year to keep our entry under the 10 minute limit (we came in at 8 this year with a good minute of that being the opening and closing credits).
I like the idea of the bumper sticker opening credits (maybe I'm too late to cast a vote). It seems like it would get the viewer into the spirit of the short sooner.

Good luck.
