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watch short action scene - Assassin

Random things I see...

- @ 0:09 Whassup with the vertical compression? Surely you didn't intend to do that.
I recently shot something that looked like one thing on my PC but looked like something else when uploaded to YT, so... I wanna know all the other goofy stuff that gets goobered-up between camera and audience. Please, let us know what happened!
- Story-wise: Driver hands Passenger... HEY! Waitaminit! WhereTH is "Newport"? Dialog @ 0:22 sounds like American English but the steering wheel is on the Limey-side. WTH? Whatever.
- Anyways, BLONDIE passes to BRUNETTE (hardy-har-har) the MacGuffin, Bru get's popped and Blonde takes off running w/o grabbing back the MacGuffin. Maybe it does or doesn't matter, it just "looks" odd, story-wise.
- The cut editing around here is kinda funny. I dunno.
- Also, the colors are all desaturated. In camera or post?
- Sniper shot through windshield is fine, both look and glass strike audio. Good work.
- Your hand-held camera work is fine.
- @ 0:33 SNIPER doesn't really know how to hold a rifle prone. But the shot's visual composition is good.
- @ 1:02 I HATE IT when characters just start cocking pistol slides as if they have any idea what they're doing.
- Your muzzle-flash "layering" (is it? I dunno) looks pretty good.
Another recent poster had a "ring" issue going on and you had that going on in "Random Drug Bust" @ 0:36. How did you avoid that this time?
- @ 1:20 My grandma coulda shot and killed SNIPER at that range. (Story issue).
- @ 1:32 Pretty cool slow-mo shot you got there.
- @ 1:36 Nice focus change. Auto or manual?
- @ 1:44 WTH is a "professional" SNIPER/killer/any idiot with a gun doing racking that slide back and forth for? Last bullet out leaves the slide cocked back. Everyone knows what that means. Ain't no sense in engaging the slide release and racking the slide a couple of times. MAYBE if there was a dud round he'd eject that into the bushes, but... I didn't see any of that going on in the story.
- @ 1:58 Nice 200 degree rotation. You jumped the 180 rule from the previous cut, but it was done well. How'd you do that on that lumpy, hilly incline terrain?

Super duper.
Mostly some good shots, only a little editing wonkiness going on.
Don't care for the desaturated look or compression, but the latter may simply be an uploading issue.
