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watch Sexyman 9000 - An award winning black comedy.

Sexyman 9000

Hey guys, just uploaded my new short "Sexyman 9000" to Youtube. It's my first festival film, and it's already picked up two awards so of course I'm really chuffed! It was filmed on a shoestring budget with my own equipment, and all the actors are amateur actors... but it was great fun to shoot, and hopefully it's fun to watch!

If you have any comments at all, positive or negative, don't be afraid to leave 'em. I appreciate all feedback, it's what keeps us making films! And of course, if you really like it, share it - spread the word :)

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It was cool.

Sound needed work, acting was ok, I wasn't sure but I could have sworn I heard someone calling to the dog in the backround?

All in all entertaining and fun. Congrats on your awards!

P.S. What in the heck does "Chuffed" mean?
That was pretty awesome. There was the obvious problem with the sound, but other than that I thought it was great. The acting could have been better, but it could have been worse lol.
Congratulations :D
I enjoyed it heaps and had a big laugh ay the end eventho i had no sound due to technical probs on my puter.
well done :)