Seinfeld Appreciation Thread

Can we get some Curb Your Enthusiasm love here? Does that count?

I really hated Seinfeld when I was growing up, it was usually on after reruns of the Simpsons and I mainly have memories of trying to quickly turn it off before I got sucked in. Never-the-less when I have gone back and rewatched some recently, I haven't found one yet that I haven't seen. Seinfeld is definitely a part of American culture at this point.
I loved Seinfeld and still watch it from time to time.

Surrender me now!

My fav was George. Whining conniving lying George. I liked Jerry too because he was normal.
My least fav was Elaine. I think she was just thrown into the mix because they needed a female. She was so so...except the 'Susie' episode...that was a really funny Elaine episode...when 'Susie' died..that was really funny!
lol hey cliche, I just thought of this one yesterday:

When Kramer becomes one of those ball monkeys for a Wimbelton tennis match,

and Kramer is like 4 feet taller than all the other kids,

and he eventually breaks one of their noses or something for running too fast around the court or something,

first off, kudos for the thread!! seinfeld is brilliant!! (as is curb your enthusian - but thats for another thread)

god i love this show. am going to re watch it just because this thread has reminded me!

my favourite episode is when jerry and kramer swap apartments because of the red light from chicked shop keeps kramer up. Jerry and Kramer completely swap character. its has the best laugh out loud parts, the first time jerry slides into the apartment, looks crazy and wild eyed and talks really fast about nosense. i can't express how much i LOVE that!! i just... can't.

oh and also...

...cause people like to say salsa!
YES! I love that episode! "This red light is burning my brain!"


"Where's the seltza? I asked for seltza, you give me salsa?"

(I can't remember the actual quote, but it's something like that...)
papertwin, this ain't your normal sitcom. If ever you were to give one a chance, "Seinfeld" is the one.

"And with Darren's help, some day we'll get that chicken!"
There are parts that wouldn't be funny or as funny now because they were very topical. And things they said and did that were controversial and outrageous then because no one had ever gone that far have been done to death these days. You've gotta factor that in if you've never seen it and start watching it in 2010 - it was made in the 90's.

Also, it seems you're just one man with a messy apartment that may or may not contain a chicken.
You make a good point, as far as it being topical, and what not. However, I think a lot of the humor is relatively universal, so maybe somebody watching it today will still get it.

You're a tenacious little monkey!
On the whole it's still hilarious, and some of the bits I was talking about are still funny today. They were just funnier then. Most of it is universal, as you say.

Your mum's a monkey :p