seeking opinions for article on the future of piracy

Hey everyone,

I'm looking to write an article about how the next generation of digital content creators feels about piracy, and how they see it shaping the industry/their own livelihoods in the future.

If you'd be interested in giving me a little bit of your time I'd love to post your opinion on my site.

- Film School'er
I've seen arguments on this Forum with two points of views. On one hand, yes, it sucks for the Indie film maker due to the loss of profits. On the other hand, I've seen some people on here not really mind pirating because the rationale was that people don't pirate movies that suck, so pirating was the ultimate compliment. Now, personally, if I were counting on sales from my productions, I'd be a little upset at someone pirating my hard earned profits. I think we all agree that pirating from the major studios is acceptable since they are the enemy of Independent productions and can afford the losses ( that was a joke, pirating is not ok). If I read correctly, BluRay has found a way with an advanced CSS system that literally can shut down any further unauthorized copying. Not sure how it works, but it's suppossed to be a really good anti-pirate system, if encoded correctly.
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I'll give you my opinion:

1. The amount of piracy is really a drop in the bucket compared to how many people actually still go and pay to see films.

2. Governments in most democrtic societies will crack down HARD on piracy once they realize how much money they can make fining people.
Most average joes don't earn much, and I strongly believe that people who have hoarded thousands of films illegally which they wouldn't have paid for otherwise is not a lost profit.

There are your assholes who download and steal everything, and give nothing in return, granted. But the true film fans who want to see movies at their convenience, whether its rare stuff that is difficult to find commercially or your latest blockbusters, time and time again i've seen these people own massive DVD collections they've spent a lot of money on. They live what they enjoy, film, and they spend so much money on it I find it difficult to believe they could be criminalised for destroying the film industry. Minority, maybe? Who could judge.

I've encountered rare films I want to watch you could never find in a local retail shop reach astronomical prices online. It is incredibly tempting to not bother, and find a torrent. A lot of people download the hard work of others and will never pay anybody back for it, I think this is the downside in a way but half the time these people wouldn't bother buying a DVD either. Sheer laziness and being poor are something that can't really be accounted for in marketing, however, sales are still being made.

Just my two cents....
If you've seen it in the cinema and then download it i cant see how its making the filmmakers lose a great deal of profit, although i still dont agree with it totally i got downloaded versions of max payne off my mate because at the end of the day im not paying to see that crap!
I think we all agree that pirating from the major studios is acceptable since they are the enemy of Independent productions and can afford the losses

Well you said it in sence of joke but i seriously think it is fine for the big studios. It might be unethical but at the end of the day i see big studios making movie and giving no room to the indie filmmakers (even if they have good ideas and have more potential) and creating a monopoly. So If their monopoly is disturbed by piracy i will be in the favour of it.

Another reason for the support of piracy of films of big studios is that normally all over the world these studios doesnt let any young one come and get at the top and come in competition, the cheap and dirty politics. So if they are hurting us then why should be against piracy of BIG STUDIO FILMS?
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