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Seeking Film Proposals

Looking for Business Plans or Proposals for Horror or Thriller/Mystery/Suspense films for possible investment. Must be extremely well written and detailed. Should include an Executive Summary, Similar Film Comparisons, Market & Financial Analysis, Full Budget or Budget Top Sheet, Market Growth, Currents Trends, Market Angle for the film, Revenue Projections, and Investment Return Plan (i.e. how we will get our money back), and a Final Summary. Should also include bios of key personnel. Be sure to include contact information.

KellysPub said:
Looking for Business Plans or Proposals for Horror or Thriller/Mystery/Suspense films for possible investment. Must be extremely well written and detailed. Should include an Executive Summary, Similar Film Comparisons, Market & Financial Analysis, Full Budget or Budget Top Sheet, Market Growth, Currents Trends, Market Angle for the film, Revenue Projections, and Investment Return Plan (i.e. how we will get our money back), and a Final Summary. Should also include bios of key personnel. Be sure to include contact information.
A couple of questions before I send my proposal:

How long has your company been in business?
How many film have you financed?
KellysPub said:
4 years. We have financed 3 films with budgets ranging frm 500k-7 million.

Please excuse any skepticism. Occasionally people who post on messageboards are not exactly on the up and up. The fact that you don't have a company website or even a company name and are using a free mail account raises a bit of a red flag.

I put a lot of work (and money) into my proposals and am cautious where I send them.

If you're willing to divulge a little information about you and your company I'd be glad to send you my business plans.

I've got two proposal ready. A horror western - $4, 250,000. Experienced special effects, DP and director attached, two semi-name actors (think cult favorites with recognizable names) attached and two more LOI's from semi-name talent. I even have an agreement from the main location owner for one third their rate for 6 weeks.

An actioner - $600,000. No name talent attached, but a known distributor has agreed to issue an advance and guarantee when I bring in the financing.
I understand the skepticism, basically the reason for the yahoo account is so that my business E-mail, the one I converse with our investors with, doest get inundated with people submitting things other that what was asked for and the dreaded spam. As for the website, we're having one built as we speak, all our previous films have been local so we really hadn’t needed a website in the past, but now we are expanding so we're taking care of it.
Fair enough.

As soon as you feel comfortable telling me more about your company and your films, I'll send my proposals out to you.

I look forward to hearing from you.
What do you want to know?

What do you want to know? We formed about 4 years ago mainly to produce short films but really developed a love for features. We signed a deal with a groupd of private investors and went from their. Over the years we have financed the feature films "Kill Me Later," "Sanctimony," "Blueprint," and "Ignition." We have developed a working relationship with most of the major Studios and have hihg level contacts at most of them.
How about the basics!

Your Name
Company Name
Company Address
Company Telephone
Company Email (you mentioned you had one but were afraid of spam, just type AT instead of using @)

These 5 would help establish credibility. Thanks
Kill Me Later was made by Amazon Film Productions, Bergman Lustig Productions and Curb Entertainment.

Sanctimony (written and directed by the interesting Uwe Boll) was made by Regent Entertainment.

Blueprint is a German film made by Relevant Film GmbH.

And Ignition (featuring my friend Michael Ironside) was made by GFT Entertainment and Hilltop Entertainment. I know Lewin, head of Production at GFT.

Over here you mention being “slightly inexperienced Chicago producers” Partick Tobias and Matt Martisek.

I’m with our Founder. If you want proposals, answers to those 5 basic questions should do it.

I’m sorry for being so skeptical. But you’ve posted this request on a number of boards. It could seem like a way to get a hold of business plans to copy.
I understand the skepticism, although those companies did produce those films they did not fund them, which is what I was talking about. Either way, it doesn’t matter much anymore; we received a Proposal yesterday morning, took it to our investors and got the green light. Thank you all for your help anyway.
Your credibility is shot. Stop wasting people's time.
I understand the skepticism, although those companies did produce those films they did not fund them, which is what I was talking about. Either way, it doesn’t matter much anymore; we received a Proposal yesterday morning, took it to our investors and got the green light. Thank you all for your help anyway.

No, thank you for giving me the biggest laugh of this week. :lol:

I had a film that went through that investment process once, I had an idea, wrote it on a notepad, went to the cash point, took out the money for fuel, tape stock and catering (about £100) and the ATM machine greenlighted the production.

We had a hoot shooting it.
sure will a hit !

KellysPub said:
I understand the skepticism, although those companies did produce those films they did not fund them, which is what I was talking about. Either way, it doesn’t matter much anymore; we received a Proposal yesterday morning, took it to our investors and got the green light. Thank you all for your help anyway.

---> Sound like one of the "Kill Me Later," "Sanctimony," "Blueprint," and "Ignition."...

so...? then it will great hit again!

And that argument with “yahoo-mail account” and “sharing” with producers really sound like a very great thing too. ...... ;)