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Seeking a Financier of Horror

The Ailanthus Chamber is about the discovery of the existence of a phenomenal device called “The Ailanthus Chamber, that according to “The Book of Lore” was once used long ago to remove from the atmosphere the evil that dissipated into it from the torts of man, the means to activate this device has long ago since eroded but according to “The Book of Lore(Gothic Version)” if this device is not activated the atmosphere would become so contaminated that some of the women that breathe in this atmosphere will give birth to a new life form better suited for this type of environment…”and so shall begin the birth of the Witchen Seed” as quoted from the book “for a new superior life shall be born and it shall have a Ceptopatic Tomb”..so I guess man would become a food source but also in the Book were fail safes that could be used to simulate the sequence needed to activate The Ailanthus Chamber… a substitute of ten bands playing simultaneously an unique resonant sound at the peak of evil (rush hour) could activate The Ailanthus Chamber..but unfortunately those that attempt this will first be stalked then marked by a creature called an Appero an then those with that mark will be hunted down and killed or eaten by a creature called the Antishun..for more information on the “Legend of the Ailanthus Chamber” and pictures of these creatures visit my temporary website at http://www.geocities.com/funchesfilms/index.html

this Movie and the promotion of the events to help promote this movie was to focus in one area (Chicago)as to better make use of the 0 budget..but ten unknown Chicago bands holding a well timed concert that purpose is the attempt to activate The Ailanthus Chamber device to prove or not if the legend of the Chamber is true and help promote the movie could make for an excellent advertisement campaign to promote this movie, this pre-movie concert with the right advertisement campaign could turn out to be a big event in Chicago and also build up an audience of those looking forward to the debut of the movie, this pre-movie advertisement campaign is designed to bring ten Chicago Bands to rock star status in Chicago help turn the ten Chicago nightclubs that was used by the ten bands in this attempt to activate The Ailanthus Chamber into hot spots in Chicago and create the backbone and music circuit for a new music Industry...with a 0 budget ten bands and ten nightclubs involved could generate the money to do something that is taboo in Chicago..place the movie in Chicago theaters...The Ailanthus Chamber Movie is in reality a plan to launch a New Independent Movie and Music industry that would be based in Chicago and create hundreds of jobs and then branch out..it sounds complicated but when you think about it it's not...but as unusual a financier would make things a lot easier..it is simply time to create another venue to show Independent Movies and the Ailanthus Chamber Project is designed to accomplish that..it is more than a movie funchesfilms@yahoo.com
You neglected one thing. How much do you need?

Even on your website there is no mention of a movie project, a business plan, bios of the movie makers - nothing to go on.

As someone who is involved in the financing of horror films, your post here (and on other boards) and your website don't tell me anything I need to know.
you miss the point of the post, let say you did finance the movie and what would be done with the Movie?..there's no venue for Independent movies besides a film festival, there are millions of films made by Independent filmmakers that noone will ever see..well maybe just other filmmakers, the public will never have known they even exist..because again it's no venue

The Ailanthus Chamber Project is more than a movie it is a plan as to how a movie mixed with other events could create that venue

my website was to introduced me and my talents which if you visit you now have no doubts that I can create what's needed for the movie and well under budget since it took about 100 dollars to create everything on there ..the majority was spent on our friend duct tape http://www.geocities.com/funchesfilms/index.html

the post on indietalk.com supplied what the movie is about and explain my plan for the movie, Indepedent filmmakers give total concentration to making their movie they never think about what to do with it afterwards...it's no venue

the question is after seeing my website and reading my post is if the investor think my plan and talents are worth investing in..if the answer is yes they would contact me and we discuss it further to do it any other way is to let the financier have too much control over the project..either they think you can do it or not

there are people that contacted me to become part of this project because they seen the potential it has to create another venue for independent movies and how an such an endevor could excel their careers, their talents and time is just as valuable as the financier's money,

In the Ailanthus Chamber Project post on indietalk.com is a way I intend to possibly raise the money that's needed... in the post it said that a financier could make things easier, but what's the point of investing in a movie that would only wind up in a film festival, I seek a financier that see the same potential this plan has and the benefits it has for that investor

The Ailanthus Chamber Project is a plan that with the production of one movie and other events could launch a new Indepedent Movie Industry