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watch Secret Everything

Sweet man, welcome.

So cool shots that looked pretty good, but I have no idea what the movie is about, other than a few slightly paranoid people?

In the most constructive way possible: this is too ambiguous. Unless it's a movie that people already know about and are dying to see (think "The Hobbit") a teaser like this that doesn't answer any questions doesn't really work. Like I said, it looked good, but unless I get a clue about what the story is about I wouldn't be buying a ticket at the theater, you know?

Again, not to get down on you or anything, the board is generally pretty honest in helping people improve their craft. Good luck!
Tried to view. With no luck. Unable to down load it or open it up to view.

Will try again later... only mention it cause many on these boards will give it a view and give you honest comments -- if they can get to it. You are in the right place for that.
Okay, took 8 minutes to download and view. Beautiful images and composition. Slow but effective pace. Like PaulGriffith above, have no idea what the movie is about. Not sure I would pay to see at theater based upon substance (built on paranoia). But. A little pinch of something to add suspense or shock or wonder would go a long way to helping this teaser to sell me into going to see it.

The RED footage is awesome -- I am green with envy... awesome images.
Looks technically fair.
Handheld shots were done right; none of that wretched spazzy-cam rubbish. (I hear Hunger Games is replete with them.)

A classic rookie shot @ 0:26. (I'm still trying to get a mathematical handle on what make those look so bad.)
Too dark shots @ 0:46, 0:47, 0:48, 0:49, 0:50, & 0:55.

Image sequence conveys nothing more than late teens/early twenties social drama.
Voice over conveys late teens/early twenties metaphysical existentialistic self-naveling.

Not my cup O' tea.

GL on the festival circuit.

Next time, seek broader input before sending your babies out to be judged.
