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Scripts Wanted

We're making a film this year.
We're a production team located in Atlanta. We are committed to producing a full-length feature film this year. We will start pre-production as soon as we find the right screenplay. Our goal is to premiere the film in Summer 2007.
We are looking for a fully-developed screenplay that can be shot efficiently and inexpensively. We want to produce the film even if we don't raise enough money. We need the creative freedom to make any changes we feel are needed in order to accommodate for our budgetary restrictions. We are interested in the following genres: Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Action, Comedy or Horror.
If you are interested, please submit a treatment or synopsis to scripts133@aol.com along with your contact information. We will contact you if we like your story.
We recommend you register your story with WGA. Our entire budget for this film is less than $15,000. We can't offer any significant financial incentive up front. We can discuss back-end compensation prior to the film's production.
Welcome to IndieTalk!

Does your company have a website we can visit? I'd like to read more.

At this moment we don't have a website. We are a team of professionals working in the television industry and want to pool our talent together to make a feature film. Our past work ranges from commercials , TV shows and network promos.