Script to Screen Challenge

Concerning IndieTalk's Script to Screen Challenge....

  • I would like to see this again the exact same way.

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • I would like to see this again but with the change I am noting below.

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • I would not like to see this again, I would like to see another type of festival.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I would like to see the ISTSC change occasionally to keep it fresh and interesting. Rehashing the same rules for every Challenge would get stale and people would lose interest.

Here's some ideas for the next ISTSC I'd like to see:

  • Best original use of an original action scene using a Maniacal Plan tune
  • Best trailer for a film that doesn't exist
  • Some sort of 60 second film challenge
  • Best <60 second commercial for a non-existent product
"Just my $0.02. Take with a grain of salt, your mileage may vary."
I really enjoyed the format of this last one, it allows for an interesting take on the standard "make your own idea and pit it against other's" format ... The expectation of seeing how others interpret the same story makes for a very interesting time. Loved it...I could see adding other comps like LOC suggested :) Perhaps even targeting specific "other" parts of the filmmaking process, like best pitch comps or best media kit comps...that sort of thing. best business/distribution plan maybe even.
As a member of a contributing group-- I liked the idea of having multiple teams interpreting the same material. However, I was a bit disappointed in the rather anticlimactic way the filmmaking portion ended. The winning films were announced before anyone had a chance to view the entries -- and I think that took away from some of the anticipation/excitement. There was hardly any feedback posted about the movies. There was no feedback from the judges (I don't even know who the judges were...?) It was as if everyone lost interest as soon as the winners were announced. When remembering and comparing to previous competitions, the movies were posted and were available for viewing and feedback for several weeks before the judges announced the winners. Not knowing the winners made the viewing process a bit more exciting and (I think) encouraged more response.
FilmJumper was the judge and he asked if the filmmakers wanted critiques. You can still get yours. There's no reason to post them online before judging when there is no popular vote.
However, I was a bit disappointed in the rather anticlimactic way the filmmaking portion ended. The winning films were announced before anyone had a chance to view the entries -- and I think that took away from some of the anticipation/excitement. [...] (I don't even know who the judges were...?)
I agree with all of the above observations. Since there was no voting thread to get the popular vote, I felt a bit 'left out' and therefore the process of the last STSC seemed a bit hollow.

...I could see adding other comps like LOC suggested :)
I only made a few of those suggestions because it gives the solitary filmmaker (like myself) an opportunity to have a submission for consideration.

Please don't take that as a gripe in anyway! The last STSC, although a very original in concept, put the solitary like myself at the whim of a script that I didn't have the resources to make: Actors. I was thinking that if there were submission options that allowed both the solitary and the groups to participate, there could possibly be more future submissions. More submissions may equate to greater interest, more subscribers, better prizes, profit for, etc...

I hope that clarifies the intentions of my previous post. :D
The only change I would make is adding a popular vote. It doesn't have to be for a prize, just so people can see the films and discuss them.

The only change I would make is adding a popular vote. It doesn't have to be for a prize, just so people can see the films and discuss them.


This is what I was going to suggest. I think without a prize it will make it more honest this time.

I also agree with Robert (LOC) about adding films that anyone could shoot without budget or talent restrictions.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted to film two of them in the last competition, but did not have the time.
One thing I could suggest, would be for the winner, yeah, if he could get more members PMing him asking him to "be their friend because he's uber-ultra-cool".... yeah, so that would be grreeeat. (in the tone of the boss in Office Space)

I think the judges should a reality-style "awards show", where they show clips of the nominees, and build up to the winner. They should make their critiques there, and throw in some glib comments too. Naturally, you'd disguise their identities with some nice chiaroscuro and blurry faces. But I'd love it. Let's do video awards!!!

EDIT: Ohh, serious one: 5-10min time limit on vids.
Not that this post clarifies anything...

As for the critiques... All were emailed out to the email addresses I had on the entry. If anyone didn't get theirs, just PM me... It might take me a while to locate it because I'm no longer using that laptop but I'll do my best.

Sans nipple shots.
Answer your email.

If there had been a time limit, it would of prevented the nipple... saved a lot of lives... that's what that nipple does- it destroys lives. What email? The google calandar one, or the erotic love letter?
I wasn't around much for the last competition, but didn't it include a screenwriting portion where a script was selected for the project? I probably won't participate in the "screen" portion because I am still developing in that regard, but I'd be interested in writing and submitting a script. Did someone choose the genre and the topic, or was it a free-for-all?