I have just been going throught my first few pages polishing up some things and making them sound realistic.
fade in
EXT. street - night
Lewis is walking along a path lit dimly with street lamps talking on the phone
Look I'm telling you, i haven't seen or heard from her since Saturday.
Matt (os)
I know man i believe you, its just rumors are starting to spread
Lewis stops under a tree
The sound of someone running is heard in the background
Yeah and we all know who that is...
The footsteps get louder, Lewis turns around to see who is making the noise. A hooded figure rugby tackles him to the floor, his phone drops to the floor.
Lewis just fucking speak to me
The hooded figure on top of Lewis pulls his fist up in the air readying to strike Lewis
As the hooded figure goes to strike Lewis, Lewis attempts to move from his grasp which unbalances the figure as he strikes and causes him to punch the floor
The hooded figure kicking his feet up and down on the floor
Lewis slowly gets up using a lamppost for support, he takes his chance and slowly starts jogging away
ext. path next to under path - night
Lewis speeds up as he runs down a hill, he slips at the bottom of the hill losing balance and sliding onto the floor quickly but regaining it easily.
ext. under path - night
Lewis runs through the under path with his footsteps echoing
EXT. PATH hill - night
He exits the under path. As he starts running up the hill, the figures footsteps can be heard echoing. He passes a set of metal bars still running he dares to turn his head, he turns his head and as soon as his head is turned he trips up and falls to the floor.
He tries to pull himself, he gets arms length of the ground
Lewis falls to the floor
fade out
fade in
Lewis is lying on top of the path hill in a small puddle of dried blood, there is a half a brick with a blood stain on it on the grass above him
Lucy is walking up the hill near Lewis, she is on a flip phone
Look, don't lecture me, I'm going to see him now. Nothing will stop me from making things right...
She comes to the top of the hill and see's Lewis body,she looks horrified by the site of Lewis on the path. She walks up to him kneels down beside him and holds his hand, she puts his hand to his pulse to see if he is still alive.
(sigh of relief)
I'm sorry
She looks down to the bottom of the hill and see's a couple walking there dog up the hill
She kisses his forehead and walks away with a tear in her eye
Lewis eyes open, his vision is dazed, everything he see's is blurred, he attempts to lift himself up with his arms, but has no energy to and falls back to the floor
He feels his face and feels the dried blood on his face
Footsteps are heard getting closer and closer
With his vision still blurred he see's a figure appear in front of him
Oh my god, Chris run back and get the car!
Lewis vision starts to readjust itself
He try's get up but is pressured gently to back sitting down
Just rest boy, my boyfriends gone to get his car, we'll get you to a hospital in no time
No please, I'll be fine, it will be easier for me to go home
Don't be daft, now whats your name
He slowly sits up
Lewis (cont)
Can you just give me some space please
Lewis slowly with the help from Lydia stands up, he wobbles a bit still recovering from the attack
A car horn is heard, Lydia goes to the car to get Chris
Lewis slowly starts walking away from the couple, Lewis struggles to walk away and falls to the ground on his knees and hands
Lewis, if you won't let us help you, at least let us take you home
Come on mate, you wont be able to make it any further
Lewis slowly stands up using the support of a bollard, his top is mucky he turns around to face the couple
As long as your telling the truth, I'll come
Lydia and Chris go to Lewis and put an arm round him and help him walk to and get in to the car,
The car door slams shut