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screen writer

Start with a dynamite story, learn the proper screenwriting format from a book or seminar, then write write write. Then edit edit edit. Then re-write. Then re-write again. Then re-write again. Write as often as you get the chance.

But a good story is key to a good screenplay, so start with that! And best of luck...
As stated...
write, then write, then write some more, then when you get tired of that write.


That is the #1 mistake, getting bogged down rewriting a scene over and over. Write the whole script, don't even reread what you just wrote, just forge ahead, THEN come back and rewrite the whole thing, then rewrite it again, the rewrite it again, then rewrite it again. Once you get the hang of it you may only have to rewrite a script 6 or 8 times before it's pretty good.
How can i be a good Screen Writer ?

1) Read a stack of screenplays - enough so that you *think* in screenplay.
2) Train yourself to come up with a great idea every day.
3) Study people.
4) Figure yourself out - be honest with yourself and be able to use your emotional issues (which you know better than anyone else's) as raw material for your stories.
5) Write every day.
6) Finish what you write.
7) Plan ahead - know what your story is supposed to be, where it's going, and know your characters.
8) Rewrite. A lot.
9) Number 9, Number 9, Number 9.
10) Realize that your job is to make the audience feel something - not just feel something about the whole story, but feel something in each scene and in parts of the scenes. What do you want the audience to feel? How is *this specific writing* making them feel that? How are you using your writing to transfer emotions from the page to the reader and from the screen to the viewer?
11) Study movies - don't just watch them, figure out how and why they work.
12) Be creative and imaginative.

- Bill
"That is the #1 mistake, getting bogged down rewriting a scene over and over. Write the whole script, don't even reread what you just wrote, just forge ahead, THEN come back"

those are words to live by right there...also i usually just write my script as a book for the first few drafts its just something i do then turn it into a script
"That is the #1 mistake, getting bogged down rewriting a scene over and over. Write the whole script, don't even reread what you just wrote, just forge ahead, THEN come back"

those are words to live by right there...also i usually just write my script as a book for the first few drafts its just something i do then turn it into a script

Guy from LA named Bobby Hacker gave me that advice. Best screenwriting tip I ever got.
The key is to become a successful screenwriter is to develop passion, persistence and patience. A good story takes time to develop. Characters need a writer to give them life and if you rush the process, you're inevitably going to be disappointed with the end result. One more advice, is never write for money. That doesn't mean don't get paid for your work, it means if you're getting into screenwriting because you think it will make you rich, then look to other careers. The financial rewards are certainly there, but only for those who develop their craft first, you can take up a professional course .. a professional course would help you give you more exposure ... there are many colleges in India like IIFT, SRFI, whistling woods international. you can check them out .. t care
As stated...
write, then write, then write some more, then when you get tired of that write.


That is the #1 mistake, getting bogged down rewriting a scene over and over. Write the whole script, don't even reread what you just wrote, just forge ahead, THEN come back and rewrite the whole thing, then rewrite it again, the rewrite it again, then rewrite it again. Once you get the hang of it you may only have to rewrite a script 6 or 8 times before it's pretty good.

Good advice. That really, to me, holds true for virtually all forms of creative writing.

I mentioned this somewhere else, but I really do believe having a notebook or just something to keep track of ideas is a really good idea as well. Get yourself in the habit of writing down even the most ridiculous or half-baked story idea. The process of screenwriting or any other type of writing always begins in your head, obviously, and it's good to sort of train your mind to start thinking in those terms, putting visuals together, characters and ideas. I honestly believe that the more you write things down, the more you'll start thinking creatively, instead of just letting the idea go like so many people do. Once you take the first step, getting the idea down, you start to do more with it.
How can i be a good Screen Writer ?

Screenwriting is an artform, and creating art is never easy. Everytime you watch a TV show, watch a film or even play a computer game you are taking in the work of a screen writer .The act of screenwriting takes many forms across the entertainment industry. Often, multiple writers work on the same script at different stages of development with different tasks. Over the course of a successful career, a screenwriter might be hired to write in a wide variety of roles.
A freelance television writer uses spec scripts or their previous credits and reputation to get contracted by an existing tv show to write one or more episodes. After the episode is written, the teleplay is submitted to the network and rewriting or polishing may be required. Subsequent drafts of the script may be done by the freelancer or by the show's staff.... well to be a good scriptwriter one should be either from a family background where one's parents are screen writer or from a good Reputed institution .. if the first option do not apply you can always go for the second one ... good institutions like Whistling Woods International wood help you give good exposure .. for more details log on to their website , here is the link : http://tr.im/j34x.. t care