archived-videos "screen" made video to my own track

ihey, i know i'm supposed to direct link it, but the ppl hosting it, made that pretty imposible, however, the link tkes you to a page with lots of other interesting films, so not direct linking is a GOOD thing

"Screen" by "william ghysels"

that's mine.

maybe a little crashcourse in Dutch:

"Bekijk dit filmpje" means "watch this movie"

"Stem op dit filmpje" means "vote for this movie"
(i hate begging for votes, but i do really need all i can get, everyone just votes for the funny story, not the quality ones)

k. here's the link to the page with all the movies:

if you want a link to the original 3 minute cut on a larger format, mail me. I don't have the server for mass acces.
and my site's up aswell, but not ready yet, whatever.
Upvote 0
That's a very interesting flick, Mr Droon.

I'm not sure I really understand what it's about, but I love all the rotoscoping and effects.

Which software did you use for this? :)
it's about abstraction invading the corporal world. ha!

i used cinema4D and efter effects and vegas3.0. mostly. i also used alot of time (not a microsoft trademark yet!) and an (almost) professional crew of 4 for the shoot
LOGAN L Productions said:
That was BADASS!!! Awesome man. I can tell you put some time into that one. Well done.

tnx. but all i can think right now is votes! votes! votes! money! money! money! spread! spread! spead!

tel your friends!

or maybe better, are the more, (even busier) forums like this one?

ow! and hire me!
Are you by chance a fan of Chris Cunningham's work?

Very, very, very cool! Loved every second of it!

By the way, I've added a direct link HERE.

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Poke said:
Are you by chance a fan of Chris Cunningham's work?

I was thinking it looked very, very much like a Chris Cunningham music video too. Even the track sounded like Aphex Twin or Squarepusher song that he would normal do a video for.

Really cool stuff. I liked it a lot. Nice visuals.
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yeah, .. it's like a scene, it's like saying "ow, that sounds alot like mozart" about all classical music. there's a school of directors doing this shit, cunningham and aphex are just the biggest, but yes, as far as cunningham goes, i think he's the king! But he usually doesn't go as corporal, it stays alot more distant and technical with him. as far as aphex twim goes, i think there's better out there, namely ppl like venetian snares and xanopticon..

but thanks for the props! and keep on voting! puhleez!
ooh, you guy's 'll love this stuff..

first and foremost, there's cunningham offcourse.. but i like these guys alot:

this nick night guy did a real nice one for bjork...
i like those gus olt.. really there's tons..

here's morer of the future link list off my page..

w and keeop voting.. any other forums i can post this to? i'm nearing in on the second placed guy..
droon said:
i won.. btw. the jury prize.

Congrats!!!! :cheers: Don't forget all of us little people that voted for you when you get famous.

Thanks for the links, I will be checking them out. - He says as he drools over the prospect of cool videos.
