Scouting an office of cubicles in Toronto

Hey all,

I'm working on a small student film and I'm looking for an office that has a floor full of cubicles that I could shoot at after office hours. I'll be shooting the thing in Toronto.

Does anyone from the area know of such a place that might be friendly to filmmakers or know of any tips that I could use to find such a place?
I don't suppose you have a friend in Management for an office out there?

That's probably your best bet. Otherwise, start knocking on doors withe a tie on with examples of your work and exact information printed up for what days you'll need it, and be prepared to pay their security overtime (or whoever ends up watching you).
You're a student... How about a college or university study room? Are there cubicles in the library?

How big a room do you really need with the cubicles? Do you need a cubicle, or a cubby farm?

Think about public spaces... do you need exclusive access or is it something that can be done in the day, guerilla style? Maybe a used office furniture showroom?

Getting a business to go along with this esp. after hours, unless you know someone, is going to be tough.