Science Study for School

Hello I am a Film Student,
and I need to do a Science Study for School,
it's one of the last things that I have left to do before I'll gratuate.

Anyways, I need to do a Science Study with cinematic tools.
For example: Shaky-Cam vs Shaky-Cam-Effect.
Make a 10 min Clip, present it to an audience, give them a questionnaire and then analyze.

The problem here, everthing has already be done. I can't think of something new to be honest. :huh:
Also, I am a writer (not in english obviously) and don't have much to do with the other fields.
But i'ts part of my studies.

Maybe, some of you got some ideas. Please.
How about choosing 3 features and comparing automatic vs. manual and why they work or don't work for filmmakers. Since auto-focus is not one that works for filmmakers, next show one that does work for filmmakers, and last, one that is more borderline.