Sci-Fi and more from Minneapolis


I found this site from a Google search and joined almost immediately after reading a couple threads.

For short attention spanners:

Each week I spend a considerable amount of time in my music studio. You can contact me for music or "sound" projects; I am more interested in collaborators than I am in getting paid, at the moment.

For everyone else... WE HEAR dreamy harp glissandos.

The past:

My background was in composition with a focus in electronic music, but I never actually became a composer.

Let's back up even further. In the 80's I did a little acting and took some dance classes. Took a fantastic playwriting course one summer. I wrote and directed some original pieces, often involving video. I attended an arts high school and a small liberal arts college (both with a focus on music). During school I wrote and directed a short piece of theater and a couple music-based performances in the 90's, and later took more dance and theater classes. Even got paid to dance in some modern dance & movement theater pieces, woo-hoo! Worked hundreds of hours recording and editing voice over for interactive multimedia projects at a recording studio; sometimes 80 hour weeks. Also I took a non-linear editing course and spent a lot of lunch-less afternoons & dinner-less nights in my college's Avid suite during the mid-90's. In the early 2000's I did a bit of sound design for theater and dance; won an award. Meanwhile my day job was at a music software company. Had the privilege of participating in a new music training program for directors and singer-actors (on the director track). Late one autumn out of the blue, I was hired to write a Halloween musical for a children's theater company 3 weeks before it opened. So, basically a week to write all the songs for a musical. Fun week! Over the last decade I've also been a DJ at hundreds of gigs.

All of this time has passed and I have been missing writing and directing terribly.

I mean, I terribly miss writing & directing! :yes:

(Although some might have said I had been writing and directing terribly, behind my back. :lol: )

The present:

My newest short script (17 pages) is drafted and I've already sent it to some friends for feedback.

A new DSLR arrived for Christmas... it's been asking to be used.

Most of all I am hoping to meet and chat with some (long-distance?) effects specialists: color correction & grading, CG in all forms -- particularly to help create some futuristic elements.

Secondarily I'd love to connect with local and regional actors and crew, if you're out there (and on here).

All of this is to say that my Facebook friends are not the correct resource for collaborators on another video (aka "film") adventure! So, I am here expecting to find a few collaborators and possibly some friends, too.

PS - Yep, Sci-Fi is a motivator for me. Although story comes first, in my view.
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I love well-done scifi. Good luck with your project! :)

You mean there's poorly-done scifi out there?? :wait:

Thanks, I'm feeling good about the concept, so far. The characters are dealing with a technology that gets developed, and some trust more than others that it works exactly as advertised.

What are some of your favorite sci-fi movies? (Shorts or full length.)

And what draws you to them?
and later took more dance and theater classes. Even got paid to dance in some modern dance & movement theater pieces, woo-hoo!

Sylents, glad you joined up. Sadly, there aren't enough dancers on IndieTalk, and modern ones at that, so thank you for filling this niche! ;)

I actually (had to) take modern dance in college and my big break came in a piece where I had to slowly walk across the back of the stage, stage left to stage right, during the full 8:00 minutes. I was supposed to represent Father Time. Oh... college...
Sylents, glad you joined up. Sadly, there aren't enough dancers on IndieTalk, and modern ones at that, so thank you for filling this niche! ;)

I actually (had to) take modern dance in college and my big break came in a piece where I had to slowly walk across the back of the stage, stage left to stage right, during the full 8:00 minutes. I was supposed to represent Father Time. Oh... college...

Haha!! At first I was picturing a Merce Cunningham/John Cage or Robert Wilson/Philip Glass inspired piece. Until you mentioned Father Time. :rolleyes: Well, or maybe the inspiration got lost in translation, so to speak.

Looking forward to chatting with you more!
Merce Cunningham/John Cage or Robert Wilson/Philip Glass inspired piece.

That assumption is SPOT ON! The "Father Time" reference was just what they named my role in jest. No scythe or long beard, just me in black leotards. Good grief...

I was no Danny Kaye, but hey who was?? :lol: (sans beret)