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watch Scene Take

I know it's not the norm to have long shots in movies nowadays. But, every once in a while I still see them.

This is a rough edit of part of the scene. You'll notice that it would be impossible to do one long take of beginning. But, the last shot is one take (obviously). Does the lack of cuts in the end bother you? The take is perfect, they're both spot on. I like it. But, I'm always in the minority.

Set Up: George has hired cut rate casting agent Leslie to assist him with auditions for his leading lady.

I like what you've done, and I don't have a problem with the idea of keeping it as one continuous shot.

My only critique would be that it seems like a somewhat awkward angle you're shooting from. Almost like a security camera angle, with a fisheye look to it. Not sure if that's what you're going for on not, but I would have lowered the angle and pushed in on the actors a little more. But that's just me.

That being said, I would probably cut in some different angle to break it up a bit.

And, on a side note, I would maybe foley in some ambient sound to cover what was picked up live. Every time you cut to a different angle within the same space, the ambient noise changes. That takes me out of the scene.

But in the end, it's all up to you. You're the filmmaker!

I do like it though!
I do have other takes. I'm actually editing them in now. But, I just really liked the fact they were so good in that one.

Vegas: This isn't the real sound. This is out of the camera. Which is pretty bad to begin with. Though it is audible. I still have to connect the takes with the real sound.

This is a rough rough rough cut.
I liked it.

It made me feel I was a waiting for something... which apparently I am, as there are actors supposed to be arriving shortly for the auditions. The dialogue's bantery enough to keep us occupied. Kinda witty at points, too. If the actors are going to start arriving really soon after, this is fine. It's a fun place to change up the pacing.

Camera placement seemed fine, too. It seems balanced out by the camera that we can see in the middle, behind them, as if we are on a mirrored fourth wall. It does have a very voyeuristic feel to it, yes.
Sorry. I changed it already, so I removed the clip. When I get a chance I'll put the new one up. It just takes a lot of time to export QT medium.

Zen: The actors do appear directly after the last shot. But, the actress that's up first couldn't make the shoot last week. So, we're shooting her and all the extras this weekend.
And this is gonna be in 30FPS, right? ;)

Get your nude scenes shot early, okay?! :D

I guess boobies look better in 24fps!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

The first go round of this movie we shot a sex scene. We did it in numerous emotional states. We also did it about 15 times. When the actor stood up the sock was erect.

Maybe it's because they're only acting. But, they were all bitching about having sex on a hardwood floor. What's the deal with that? You're naked on top of a good looking woman, there's nothing to bitch about.