I didn't bother to do a chonological story here, because this is a throwaway reel, and it's a branching plot, etc. However, you can kind of get some idea of some of the things you might see in the opening chapter of Save Point. The decision was made years ago to make the opening chapter kind of a blockbuster vibe. It may sound basic at first glance, but this was a strategic choice made at great expense, and one that prolonged the release window a lot.
I don't think the modern internet user has the patience to sit through 10 minutes of minimalist conversations while I establish the opening and introduce the characters. I definitely couldn't do a 20 minute chapter with just talking heads. So we'll get about 90 seconds into the story before the air raid sirens go off and the entire world starts exploding around the character. We'll tone it down from blockbuster level to tv episode level after the opening chapter, but at that point the viewer should be at least a little bit invested, and I'll have some leeway to develop character and start orchestrating subplots.
That's a long way of saying - "I'm testing out a bunch of crazy shots to see what works"
Also, to avoid confusion, "Snapshot" is the name of the first chapter, and reffers to a reveal much later in the plot, about why the nukes launched in the first place. This is the main project, being developed in parallel, and is only connected to the "cat game" by a single cameo of the cat in this first chapter.
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