sartnge but ture

You can raed tihs.

If the fsrit and lsat leettrs are in the rghit palce, the ohter ltteers dno't mttaer!

Ocne you get uesd to it. It jsut all mkeas sneese.

Jsut smoetihng to tnhik aobut. :lol:
You misspelled the word sneese.

Yeah, I'm dyslexic which one of the reasons this piece of research interested me, but also makes it painfully difficult to deliberately mis-spell things after years of training myself out of it.

The basic deal is that we don't read each individual letter to make up a word, we look at the first and last and take a census of the ones in the middle.

Now, there is currently a theory which says dyslexics recognise the shapes rather than than the letter order, hence our problems with spelling, but this new research blows that out of the water because mixing the middle letters destroys the shape.

The real reason I'm interested in it is because it makes people work at reading the text, anything that requires a little more conscious effort goes in deeper and has a greater effect on the audience. This is something I'd like to use.
Didn't he do that already with Finnigan's Wake


"A bulbenboss surmounted upon an alderman"

Now, either that's ...Ytaes tekas de Vlaera to tsak, or a tbael munotian jsut siuqshed a myoar.
That is interesting Clive.. I remember getting an email about this a few months back with an entire page of the jargon... and I had no trouble reading it. Quite odd.

I have something of a dyslexia myself; a by product of ADHD. Sometimes I will come to words that I would normally have no trouble with, but I cannot understand what they mean. Then I will concentrate and read each letter... and finally realize what the word itself is.... but it will still confuse me.. the spelling will look "wrong", or the word will feel "awkward".

I think of it as a gift though. Every time it happens, I get the chance to observe an old word in a new light. Sometimes it helps me write by slowing me down.
Spatula said:
I have something of a dyslexia myself; a by product of ADHD. Sometimes I will come to words that I would normally have no trouble with, but I cannot understand what they mean. Then I will concentrate and read each letter... and finally realize what the word itself is.... but it will still confuse me.. the spelling will look "wrong", or the word will feel "awkward".

Marijuana is legal in Canada, no?

Just Kidding. I think that's a by-product of the current go-go-go life style that we all lead. Sometimes, Our brain needs to catch up with the rest of us.

Poke said:
Marijuana is legal in Canada, no?

No, but nobody cares to enforce it unless you have a gargabe bag full. Though I'm a firm believer that it should be legalized and distributed at the house of commons (and US Senate) before each meeting. See the Ali G movie. He should get a nobel prize. If you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about.
Poke said:
I've seen it, and I want to imprison him for unleashuing bad comedy on the movioe going public. Represent.


So bad it's good, right? I mean- he saved the community center! And united all the gangs! haha.. just thinking of it cracks me up. What an amazing piece of crap!! I love Ali G.