SAG's ADR rate card?

466.00? Is that really the "low" budget day rate? Why on earth would anyone want to do a SAG movie? SAG is completely out of touch with indie films.
You could always look at the SAG indie options.

All kinds of alternative options there, using SAG actors. Scale rates are the same, I believe, but there are many ways to work out how (or if) it's to be paid.

SAG is completely out of touch with indie films

This may or may not be true, depending on how one defines "indie". There are some rather... energetic, shall we say, threads about that elsewhere on the board. :)
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Deferred pay more often than not = No Pay
I have a friend at work whose done so many projects on deferred pay and never even seen or heard of them again... and one of them was with Todd Bridges!!