S.F Filmmaker (and Spreecaster

Hello indie film champions...

Rolla Selbak here, filmmaker based in S.F, recently released my 2nd feature film www.threeveilsmovie.com, and host a monthly free Spreecast called Grrl's Guide To Filmmaking.

Can't wait to see what we can accomplish together.


How's that Distrify thing working out?

Btw, totally read the title as Three Evils Movie, at first glance. :bag:

'sup & hello :)
Thanks, Zensteve....sorry it took me so long to respond. Getting the hang of this:)

I really like Distrify. It makes it easy for fans to buy and rent online. And I really like being able to easily run a promotion (share your unique link of the movie, make 10% of any profit that comes in). It's really helping with the grassroots promotion of the film!

Maybe Three Evils should be my sequel??