Round 3 - Rules & Details (Please Read)

Of course I would love to work with you Httk, Depending on what the genre is I would like to take a stab at it first by myself and then if you need help on yours (cause im gonna do mine as fast as possible) let me know. I think im gonna call mine waiting for Geddy Lee no matter what the genre.Bwahahahahahahah :lol:
Anyone in the greater Boston area that would like to collaborate, please PM me.

I'm anxious to break in two spectacular pieces of software in this round: DV Rack and Ultra, both from Serious Magic.
I know I wasn't supposed to post the requirements until tomorrow, but the site will be in and out tomorrow and I will be shooting Saturday and Sunday, so...I posted them as close to Friday as possible.

Check the first post for the requirements for Round 3, plus a poster I created. I'll be turning it into a banner in the next week or so for anyone who wants to add it to their site.

More details will emerge as we go along (judges and other stuff), but for now you have enough to get started.

Happy shooting!

B&W now that's a great challenge !

Will there be a PDF version of the requirements for easy printing ? I'm old fashioned I like to hold paper in my hands.

Mike :)
Any genre?!

Wow, that leaves it wide open for anyone who's ever had a single idea floating about. No excuses for "wrong category for me", now.

That's a really interesting twist you put on it, though. B/W incentive, but not mandatory? Devious. :devil:

This is going to be a kick-ass challenge! :cool:
I want my job as Head Judge to be extremely hard.

You forget... I am competing. That will make your job quite simple, when it is time to announce the winner.

But yes, it will be great to see many entries, on top of mine. :P

(Oops, I should have posted that in the mudtoss thread here. My bad) :blush:
I'm IN!

My camera batteries are charging and I'm clearing the cashe on my PC for Premier!
I am SO looking forward to this!

Let me be among the first to thank EVERYONE associated for the opportunity to have fun doing something I love doing so much!

(High Five to everyone entering! I'm looking forward to seeing EVERYONE'S entries!)


Start Shooting!
Love Ya All!
Gotta love it when the noobs throw their towels in.

From the mudtoss thread:

ANY genre? "Woulda liked a clue on that one!"
Prop... Any particular team, etc? Or is it just the "cap" thing?
B/W... Is Sepia included? ;-)

If you need me to asign you a genre, PM me. We wanted to open it up so anyone could enter any story their little hearts desired.

No specifics on the cap, just an ordinary run of the mill cap will do (but being that I am from Texas, if you want to butter me up a Cowboys, Rangers or Mavs hat might be a good choice).

I'm gonna say no to sepia. Only if it is B&W will the bonus points be awarded.

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i wonder what genre hawkeye wanted to use the sepia for....cough cough

A documentary on cuttlefish? ;)

I actually had that same question in mind, regarding sepia allowance and other shades.

I'm not sure if the term is the same, but many B/W films used coloured shades of celluloid to change a mood when sound and dialogue was not available. Even then, colour was actually important. :huh:

An old copy of "Phantom of the Opera" that I have (with Lon Chaney Sr, 1925), is totally B/W for the duration, aside from his appearance at the Masquerade where the shading abruptly turns blood-red.

Right now I am watching a B/W film (The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, 1919) that has used colour (blues, yellows, reds) in every single scene so far... as was originally done! I know, it sounds nuts. :D Dying the film was pretty effective, I guess.


Anyways, good of Poke to settle the question. I ca get to work on newer idea now. :cool:
If the short is primarily in B&W, and you only use some color to emphasize something (ala Schindler's List and red), then that short will be awarded bonus points. However needs to be in B&W the majority of the duration.

Sepia is not considered B&W, so if the short is completely sepia toned, it will not be considered B&W.

The judges reserve the right to make the call on the allowance of bonus points.

:hmm: Well, actually it was a documentary on the mating habits of the North American Sand Flea!
It is a well known fact that the sand flea of North America is a great NY Yankees fan, and can be found wearing ball caps all the time! Naturally, being somewhat insecure, the male has often been heard to ask the female if "they had a good time"!

The sepia-tone question was because I wanted to give the film a realistic sand flea porn quality! ;-)

Seriously though... Stop busting my balls! I'll do the unheard of and actually follow the rules of the competition! ...And WIN!

..."He certainly is a willfull little boy!" :yes:

I have updated the rules a bit - just being more specific about the requirements. For those of you that want a PDF version with the new specifics I will have it Monday.

I will be busy throughout the weekend shooting a short film (Ryan Ferguson's Dog Earing), so any questions should be addressed to Indie. If Indie can not answer them, it will have to wait until Monday. And if it is an absolute emergency Indie has my number.

Just thought of something...

What about if we shoot in either 16:9 or 2.35? What size (dimension wise) should the uploaded file be?