Round 2 - Rules & Details (Please Read)

I think mods and admins should be allowed to enter just like us normal people :)

I should have an entry for this one!
: fiction dealing principally with the impact of actual or imagined science on society or individuals or having a scientific factor as an essential orienting component

Even a limiting dictionary definition is still hugely broad.

The sci-fi part can be considered the outer shell, or casing, on top of the real story in many instances.

A lot of sci-fi flicks are nothing more than remakes of older stories/films... but in space! A most blatant example is the 90's remake of "Lifeboat"; originally a Hitchcock b/w suspense film. You could take "Lifeboat" and make it work in any genre or time period. You can do that to any film, actually. In this case, it's sci-fi at its shallowest. Just trading backgrounds... in space! :lol:

Other shows, such as "The Invaders" from the 60's, are sci-fi... but you're not going to see a lot of pseudo-science or flying saucers about. One man knows for sure that aliens are slowly taking over the planet... but noone believes him. To make matters worse, the "aliens" look suspiciously identical to human beings, so who can he trust? With a formulaic pattern of moving to a new town each week (a la "Fugitive") he tries to sound the alarm and prove his claim.

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" - classic sci-fi about seed-pods from outer-space replacing humans one by one. Except the film's not really about the dangers of being absorbed by plants that come from beyond. This is another great example of using sci-fi (and horror, also) as a "wrapper" around a totally different topic.


The best part of that definition is "or imagined science".

There's no stopping you there, if you want to really go to town. Scientist discovers that Newton was wrong. Part-time inventor makes a time-machine. Astronomer notices that the sun is about to go nova. You can come up with almost anything, in sci-fi, and noone's going to really question it.

Michael Crichton made his fortune by making up crazy half-assed scientific theories as devices in his stories... entertaining for sure, integral to the plot... but still something that he just whipped up one day after some
, I bet.


(not quite done)
rizien said:
I think mods and admins should be allowed to enter just like us normal people :)

Mods and the Admin can enter, as long as they are not a part of the panel of judges or one of the organizers. The problem with letting judges and organizers enter is they would have a biased interest in his/her own film, not saying they would cheat, but they could be tempted and it's important to shield that temptation. Another problem would be with other contestants, they might feel slighted if a judge or organizer were to win the Best Entry award. To have judge and organizer entries as unofficial entries is just the best way to keep any possible cheating at bay.

Now, as far as an Audience Award goes, I think allowing judge and organizer entries to be elligible for that would be okay for 3 reasons: 1) every meber only has one vote; 2) Indie can keep track of erroneous votes; 3) it's a popular vote, not an official vote.

Perhaps the judges should be chosen from those people who will not be entering the contest? That way we don't restrict peoples opportunity to enter?

You can count me in on this one 100%
Shaw said:
Perhaps the judges should be chosen from those people who will not be entering the contest? That way we don't restrict peoples opportunity to enter?

I don't know if we'd have enough volunteers from those not participating.

Shaw said:
You can count me in on this one 100%


I don't know if we'd have enough volunteers from those not participating.

Hmmm yes true. I just hate to see judges hard work not be counted "for real" though. I think it's at least worth a try. I suspect that are some trustworthy people around the site here who know they won't be able to participate who might be willing to give judging a shot?

I'm thinking about getting my hands on an XL2. If I do, I'll definitely use it for this short!
Shaw said:
Hmmm yes true. I just hate to see judges hard work not be counted "for real" though. I think it's at least worth a try. I suspect that are some trustworthy people around the site here who know they won't be able to participate who might be willing to give judging a shot?

Hey, I'm all for being an official entry. Let me explain why I said what I said. Maybe I am being pessimistic, but judging by Round 1, we have a few people who love the idea of this competition and a lot of people who seem to care less. I would love to be proven wrong though.

I just had an idea....

Is anyone a member of other indie forums? If so, maybe we could advertise the comp on other sites to get more people interested and involved. Just a thought.
I'm a member of DVXUSER (don't have a DVX oddly enough), and I suppose I could advertise there if those in charge think it's a good idea. I'm sure others here are probably members as well (and members of many more sites than I am).
I just realised that my previous post touching on "what is sci-fi?" didn't really answer the questions posed. I'll re-write it Sunday evening. But Poke's reply was right on. And there is no need at all for crazy digital effects, or the like.

Other stuff:

I'd like to keep judges out of any considerations, even the popular poll. Poke, if you want to do an official entry, you should go ahead and do it. We should be able to round out a full panel in the six remaining weeks left.

Not terribly keen on the hitting other messageboards. I thought about that earlier, and there are a few negatives that kept coming to mind. Mainly to do with the "testing" status of the competition. It just seems a bit awkward whipping up interest on other boards and potentially getting a massive influx on entries, when the rules could change at a minute's notice, prizes change, award categories change, and a host of other things.

If we can get a finished working model completed, that's one thing. Meanwhile, we have a model in a state of flux... and while current members/viewers can follow the process and understand "why" adjustments/tweakings are being made, the people coming from elsewhere for the sole purpose of competing in an "advertised" film competition may not. (And that means conflict/flames)

It's definitely the thing to do, once a complete working model for the comp is done, though.

There are lots of people here who dont have the resources or time to enter a contest, we should get them to Judge...
CommanderGoat said:
I just had an idea....

Is anyone a member of other indie forums? If so, maybe we could advertise the comp on other sites to get more people interested and involved. Just a thought.

I go to a lot of other forums... you may get hundreds of entries then and like Zen said... This needs to be worked out first.

AND you'll see my kids in my entry too. We were just talking about a story.

Should be fun
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There's been mention of prizes - most everyone seems to think they're a good idea or at least an incentive.

What would make good prizes? Let me qualify that...

- Token value prizes (little or no monetary value)
- Low value prizes ($25 - $50 value range)
- Medium value prizes ($50 - $100)
- High value prizes (> $100)

[note: apologies to non-US members, I put everything in USD figures]

Would people rather see lots of small prizes or one big prize? Or a couple of medium prizes?
SPaulovich said:
There's been mention of prizes - most everyone seems to think they're a good idea or at least an incentive.

What would make good prizes? Let me qualify that...

- Token value prizes (little or no monetary value)
- Low value prizes ($25 - $50 value range)
- Medium value prizes ($50 - $100)
- High value prizes (> $100)

[note: apologies to non-US members, I put everything in USD figures]

Would people rather see lots of small prizes or one big prize? Or a couple of medium prizes?

Well the prizes as mentioned are below:

"Popular Vote" Prize:

1) The obligatory gif-banner that proclaims your mastery at sucking up to the masses.
2) A copy of "Blowing Stuff Up Vol. 1" by Detonation Films. If you like creating FX, you'll dig it.

"Critics' Choice" Prize:

1) The obligatory gif-banner that proclaims your mastery at hoodwinking judges.
2) A copy of "Blowing Stuff Up Vol. 2" by Detonation Films. It's like Vol.1... but different!

Since there's no entry fee, I don't think there is any monitary prizes. That is unless there are donations.
Then I think even $25 is better than nothing. Maybe Popular vote places 1-3 and critics choice award and runner-up.

I could go for equipment lying around that someone is not using too.

BUT it's all up to the contest organizer, right?
Not touching anything that involves money.

That would bring extra legal responsibilities & obligations with it... not good with "fly by the seat of your pants" rules.
Zensteve said:
Not touching anything that involves money.

That would bring extra legal responsibilities & obligations with it... not good with "fly by the seat of your pants" rules.

That's understandable.

Entry fees would ruin this competition, I really didn't mean to raise that issue at all.

I figured I'd scrounge around for prizes, even if they're just token prizes. These would be donations on my part, without passing liability, real or implied, to indie, moderators, judges, members, guests or ferrets.
hahah, if anything gets put on my ferret...he'll go apeshit and start squealing like he does, and NONE of us want me.
CootDog said:
"Popular Vote" Prize:

1) The obligatory gif-banner that proclaims your mastery at sucking up to the masses.
2) A copy of "Blowing Stuff Up Vol. 1" by Detonation Films. If you like creating FX, you'll dig it.

"Critics' Choice" Prize:

1) The obligatory gif-banner that proclaims your mastery at hoodwinking judges.
2) A copy of "Blowing Stuff Up Vol. 2" by Detonation Films. It's like Vol.1... but different!

Yeah, I think those are more than enough considering there is no entry fee.

By the way, how is Zensteve not a moderator buy now? He's done a lot of organizing for the comp. He gets my nomination for newest moderator if said position is open.