Ridley Scott Competition.

I've seen a couple of shorts for the Ridley Scott competition. They all seem to have a similar concept. Maybe it's duye to competition rules. I underdstand you have to use the dialogue given. But if you have freedom to use whatever concept you want, here's one.

Two old crusty cigar smoking types are at a sidewalk cafe. Theyre smoking and enjoying a drink. They both look dispondent, as if an old friend has just died. Then a unicorn runs by. (begin dialogue) Then after one of them says beautiful the unicorn comes back and tries to eat their table decoration, or something like that. ( this is the "get away, get away" part. Then a waiter comes out to shoo the unicorn away, and tells the old men "Im sorry"

Just an idea. Heres the dialogue you have to use below.

"What is that?"
"It's a Unicorn"
"Never seen one up close before"
"Get away! get away!"
"I'm sorry"
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Really?? No one thinks this could be a little funny?? Maybe it's just me, but the idea of an old guy shooing away a unicorn because it's eating his table arrangement cracks me up......It probably is just me. :) Get Away!! Get Away!! lol
I think the competition for that is over, isn't it?

Regardless, there's always time for funny unicorn tales:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsGYh8AacgY :abduct:

Why don't you take a crack at fleshing out your own story, btw?

I would but I'm trying to finish my first short, and not get divorced at the same time. :) JK its not that bad, but I dont want to throw too much at the wife at once. But you might like the one I'm working on now. It basically boils down to: Hitler thinks he can still win WW2 because he wins a hand of bingo.

And I do feel bad for Charlie the Unicorn. :( :)